Dreams Do Come True

I have been watching the OWN station and there is a show that I love called "Under Cover Boss".  It is about CEO's who go undercover in their companies to get information that might help them to improve the business.  Most ot the time the person who is the CEO is not very good at doing most of the jobs that their empolyess in the field do.  After the experience the CEO reveals themselves to each employee individually and surprises each one by telling them who they really are.  During their meeting the CEO gifts the employee with money to pay medical bills, buy a much needed car or to go on a honeymoon.  In a nutshell the people in this show truly reinforces the idea that "dreams really do come true".  The emotional level of most of the employees and the CEO is truly beautiful to see when they receive some very generous gifts.  Yet what I cannot help but to think is why this is not just something employers do for their workers by finding the need and meeting those needs.

Dreams do come true when we believe and when we let go of the fear attached to taking risks that may lead us to more success, joy and prosperity.  I have found that in my own life letting go of the fear and thinking positive results in some wonderful and magical things happening in my life.  If we are willing to become all that we can be we must also be willing to be hurt or to fail at it.  The only way that people like Disney who was at one time homeless and had a mouse for a pet make it is by believing in ourselves and not allowing our circumstances to dictate the rest of our lives.  THere are many highly successful people like Disney who at one time had the worse of situations one could think of like Iynala Vanzant who became a mom as a teen, became bankrupt and lost her daughter to cancer.  Today she is a famous author of self-help books, has her own show on OWN and an attorney by profession.  She is a shining example of what we can do in life regardless of how tough it might look and be for us.  If she can make her dreams come true and continue to smile then we should seriously ask ourselves: Why not me?

The most essential part of making our dreams a reality is to know that our dream is and live our lives doing things that lead us to that dream.  Some of those basic actions are things like: 
1.  Writing our dream down and posting it in our home.
2.  Writing some goals and specific actions that we believe will get us closer to realizing that dream.
3.  Believing in our dream.
4.  Never letting our dream be minimized, questioned or squaushed by others, even if we love them.
It may be that others will minimize your dream or even make fun of you.  Some people will share information that is meant to discourage you, even when they don't realize it.  But you must know what your dream is and what it means to you in order to acheive it.  Keeping that dream in front of you all the time and doing everything you can with all of your spare time to achieve it will result in success or failure, but if you fail you will know why and be able to rise above it and continue to work at it.  Never giving up may sound like a typical advise but it is the only way to eventually make it happen.  It is the people who have not taken NO for an answer that make it big in life.  Like Thomas Edison and Quincy Jones there are many who have struggled and become famous in their field.  The thing is that we must be willing to do the hard work to get to the rewards.

As long as we have our dreams our life has no limitations.  We will become our dream when we continue to dream no matter what life deals us.  We will acheive our dreams when we are persistent and we let go of anything from our past that tells us that we cannot have what we dream of.  We will make our dream a reality when we do not listen to what others think or the people who seem willing to stomp on our dreams.  At the very core of our dream is the willingness to do anything and everything to achieve it that is honest and serves human kind.  So here is my challenge to you.  Go back and retrieve your dream and work the rest of your life to make it happen, understanding that if you fail you can try and try again until you realize it!


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