Keep Dancing: Don't Look Back

I never had to justify my love of dancing until my last relationship where I spent too much time justifying everything, down to the way I looked at decor.  That is when we know that we are in the wrong place with the wrong person at the wrong time in our life.  It was after this that I knew with all of my heart that I would never, ever, stop dancing until I can no longer dance.  It was then that I realized that dancing helped me to not look back and to know with all my soul that someone who I honored was jealous of me and could not handle my shiny light.  It is when I decided that I would work the rest of my life to be my highest vibration and never look back.  I was as I put it "cured".

I have shared the love of dance with everyone I know and recently wrote a blog about dancing and how much it healed me.  This blog is more about not stopping and that once we have the momentum going we must keep moving and not allow anything or any one to distract us from the dance, not just the one with our legs but the dance of life.  As soon as we are distracted and we look back when we should be dancing we jeopardize our joy and it is likely that by looking back we stop our own journey.  The people who truly love us will be overjoyed that we are dancing our own dance both literally and in not so literal ways.

Today I spoke to a lovely young woman who came into my life for good reason.  One day at an event she approached me and showered me with compliments.  Not soon after that she introduced me to her "boyfriend".  All night she gave him attention and he seemed enamored by her as well.  Soon after that she called me to say that he had "disrespected her" and that he'd not called her in about four days.  Suddenly that relationship she referred to with the title of "boyfriend" ended or at least seemed to be on the way out.  If in fact it ends it will do so as fast as it started.  In this situation we have a beautiful woman who stopped her own inner work to be completely immersed in some person she just met without knowing how disconnected he was, continued to be and ended up showing her.

I always love the saying: "when people show you who they are believe them".  I would add: "when people tell you who they are with their actions, listen and act accordingly".  We can't hear what others are telling us if we stop our own show because we are in a place of intensity and a world where all we hear is their voice.  We stop dancing and we do so at emotional gunpoint.  We allow some other human being to tell us what is important to us and we forget to dance and enjoy our own body, soul and mind.  We must keep on dancing and when the person speaks the truth we will likely listen and then dance more.  When we completely stop dancing and we get distracted and look back that is when we lose our inner peace.  Never ever ever stop dancing.  Don't ever look back.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


  1. This is an amazing blog Elliott. I can definitely relate. Now I can dance and enjoy my life without worrying what people will think of me. I go out, I dance, I have friends and the right person that would share my life will understand this.

  2. This is an amazing blog Elliott. I can definitely relate. Now I can dance and enjoy my life without worrying what people will think of me. I go out, I dance, I have friends and the right person that would share my life will understand this.


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