No One Can Take Me Down

No one can take you down either.  Just remember that as you are walking that path we call life.  No one has that kind of power unless you give it to them and the reason we do is that we just don't think highly enough of our self.  When others can bring you down, make us upset, shake our being, get us off track, there is only one reason: we are weak and we give them the power to shake us down.

We all know the story of Tina Turner who lived years and years of abuse at the hands of a man she called her husband.  Ike Turner was a miserable excuse for a man but Tina was a woman who was prime for being in an abusive relationship.  She herself admitted that she did not think much of herself and that she allowed the abuse.  When Tina felt her power and felt her self worth and chanted she rose up that day and ran as fast as she could.  Finally, she left that dark, ugly, nasty excuse for a human being and she started a new life.  To this day Tina Turner, who kept the last name by the way and for good reason, is an icon and unfortunately Ike Turner is barely remembered.

When we take our power back and we become empowered we find our way home where we belong.  Whether you have been verbally, emotionally, physically or sexually abused the only way to begin the healing is by taking your soul back.  The only way to begin the life we deserve is by accessing our higher being or higher power and allowing ourselves to be lifted out of the hell we placed ourselves in.  I know because I have done it more than once: as a child and as an adult.

When we accept less we get less.  When we fool ourselves into thinking that something that is dark and abusive will change on it's own we get less.  When we allow anyone to put us down in any way shape or form we settle for less and we get less.  When we do not stand firm as to how we are to be treated we get less and when we let abusive people abuse us we think less and less of our spirit and we die emotionally.  This is why it is so imperitive that we put abuse to a stop and not allow any human being to take us down.  Because in reality no one can take us down without a pass from us.


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