Making A Sanctuary-A Home-A Sacred Space

I will never ever understand how some people live detached from where they live.  I don't understand how you can live in a space and be completely disconnected from it and that it not be a testament to how important a home is and how important our life is.  I am literally shocked at how people live and have seen some living spaces that people call their homes that are horrifying and in my own opinion shameful.  I cannot help but to ask myself why anyone would not take the time to create a living situation that honors them and that is beautiful, clean and organized?  Why would any human being settle for a mattress on the floor when a simple metal frame and some simple white bedding would be so much more comfortable and self-loving?  I believe that it is about shame and that these are people who don't believe they deserve better or that they can really detach themselves from where they eat and sleep.  But rather than to dwell on why some of us do not love ourselves and our home enough to create a sacred space I would like to share some realities about turning an apartment or house into a lovely place to be.

I love being at home and enjoying my environment.  I have intentionally created a space that is beautiful, comfortable and filled with artifacts that have meaning for me.  I love having fresh flowers next to my bed and in the living area.  When I have parties I make certain there are candles and that the napkins are ironed.  I like to treat people that I love with an environment that is comfortable and beautiful.  Everything in my home has a meaning down to the white porcelain rabbits that are posed in yoga poses.  I believe that a home is a sacred space, a place where we can feel enveloped in love and inside the things that make us smile.  For this reason I respect my home and have made sure that it is a place that I like living in and spending time in.  Everyone who knows me understand just how sacred my home it and how much it means to me to live inside a beautiful place that I feel good in all the time.

Recently I had a talk with someone who does not spend any time in her home.  She is constantly looking for a reason to go out and not be alone in her home.  A part of me understands that yet another part of me is saddened by it.  After some prodding and my sharing how much I loved spending time at home she admitted that if her home was as nice as mine she might stay home more often.  In that moment my heart sank and what I understood was just how sad it is that someone would not enjoy their home and would rather just use it to sleep and eat inside of for the most part.  My question to her and others is why one would not make their home a place where they would want to spend time?

I would like to share some very important facts about why a home should be beautiful and sacred to each of us:

Many of the things we have in our home are things that speak of us.  They tell stories and they have meaning.  When we select things for our home we must look at them as artifacts that are an expression of us and that will elicit happiness in us.  It is not that they are material things but that they are the things that we love and things we use and things we enjoy.  When we surround ourselves with things that mean something to us and that are innovative and creative we fill our life with light and joy.

Sacred space:
People do not know this but your space is sacred.  The things that happen inside your space are intimate and personal.  We eat in our space and we sleep in our space.  We have physical intimacy in our space and we clean our bodies in our space.  We eat in our space and we cry in our space.  We love others in our space and we even dance in our space.  Our space is therefor sacred because we do sacred things inside of it.  We should not simply live in it but be a part of the space because our energy is also in our space.  When we pray in our home it is an indication that our space is meaningful and important.  If our bedroom and our home is not a sacred place then where is our sacred space if not in our wonderful home?  WE must view our home as a sacred place because we are sacred people. When we understand that then our home will be exactly what we deserve.

To be continued:


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