Men Who Love Women

Men who love women are ones who are advocates for women and will stand up and be counted when the rubber meets the road.  They are the men who believe in equal pay and are concerned about violence against women.  The are the men who will march along side women who are protesting the killing of female children in third world countries.  Men who do not fear being teased for holding their wife's purse or who treat women with special loving care.  A man who loves women is a gentleman at all times, every time.  They are the ones you see opening the door for their girlfriend and pulling out their girlfriend's chair in a restaurant so that they can sit before they take their seat.  A man who loves a woman will do anything to ensure that she feels safe and special in every sense of the word.

Men who love women protect them: 
A man who loves women will defend them every time and all the time.  He will ensure that she is safe and is willing to do anything to protect her if something were to happen.  A man who loves women never buses a woman and never disrespect any woman, even if she disrespects him.  Men who love women will us their skills to protect a woman that they are with whether she is his girlfriend, wife, sister or mother.  There may be what some men think is a good reason to be rude or hurt a woman but if he was a gentleman how will not lash back at a woman no matter what she does.

Men who love women respect them: 
A man cannot claim to love women and then disrespect them.  Men who love women honor them and acknowledge them, not needing to make them wrong or to put them down.  Men who respect women speak to women with a tone that is kind and compassionate.  Men who love women do not feel a need to disrespect any woman for any reason.

Men who love women will support their cause: 
When men walk along side women when they are walking for a cause that effects women then they are in support of women.  When men donate money to a shelter for women who have been abused they are supporting women.  When men buy a pink pen that contributes to a woman's cause then they truly do love women.  Loving women is about doing things that are actions and not just words.
Men who love women are thoughtful towards women:

Men who love women will show them that they do: 
Actions do in fact speak louder than words.  Men who truly respect and love women will do things to show women in their life how much they mean to them and do things that honor and celebrate women.  Just saying that we love a woman is simply not enough.  It is our actions that are important and that matter most.

Men who love women are total gentlemen:
A gentleman is a kind, respectful and loving man.  He is the man who opens the door for a woman and allows her to go ahead of him onto the bus or train.  A gentleman is a man who is willing to be second to any woman and make sure that she is Ok before he becomes concerned about his own needs.  A man who loves women treats them gently.

For some men these truths are foreign and their anger and greed manifests in disrespect.  Men who treat women poorly or who believe themselves to be superior to women have issues that need to be healed.  A woman cannot heal us and it is up to us to heal our own issues about women.  It is mind boggling to think that there are men who still believe themselves to be the superior gender and especially in places where women are still struggling to be equal and treated with dignity and respect. We have a lot to learn and a long journey to become the men we should be with women and by changing the mindset of boys towards girls we can perhaps one day achieve that high regard that we should all have for women.  After all we all came from a woman.  And if it were not for women we would not be here.  The truth may hurt but we must learn to heal from the issues that make us go against the very goddess source of life.
Elliott Maximo Collazo


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