Am I Worth It?

Am I worth it?  This is a question that so often we ask ourselves.  It comes from a place of unknowing and it comes from the feeling that everyone else should be chosen before we do what we should do for ourselves.  We are without a doubt "domesticated" into believing that self-worth is tied into how educated we are, how much we have and what we accomplished.  Yet for many successful people there seems to be a void no matter how many cars they have and no matter how expensive their home is.  In fact, there have been many of us who have sold everything to live a simple life in the mountains of Ireland or Colorado because we finally understand that owning all these material things has an emotional price not to mention the other work involved.  The question is not really if we are worth it but rather what makes us feel worthwhile and how can we live a life that feels as though it has a purpose, we have a purpose.

We try so very hard to find our purpose by accumulating material possessions.  We buy beautiful cars, a big luxury home, fine clothing and even a yacht.  We cannot seem to get enough of the things that falsely define us as important or valuable.  We make the mistake of thinking that the beautiful things we have will also create the wonderful life we want, but we all find out that this is just not the way it works.  We are not our things and those things we own don't define us, at least that isn't the way it is meant to be.  For those people who are defined by their fancy cars and their luxury lifestyle there is often this extremity about them.  They are very high, very low, very happy, very depressed, very angry or very something on the ends of life's feelings.  Some turn to drugs out of boredom or just because they can afford it, while many do drugs because they have uncovered that all the wealth they have acquired is not making for a joyful life.  Of course this is not limited the wealthy.

Try as we might there is really only one authentic route to our own worthiness and joy and that is finding our purpose and living life with intention.  When we know who we are we live with purpose and we know why we are here.  But wait, it's not that easy, this knowing our purpose thing.  In order to find this important aspect of who we are we must do the self -loving self-work that it takes to reveal our purpose and know what we are here for.  Silence is the shortest path to going within, hearing the inner voices and clarifying our purpose and hence the fact that we are all worthwhile.  Taking a time each day to be in silence and be with ourselves serves to bring forward what it is that we are here to do, what it is that we yearn for and what it is that makes each of us worthy, all of us.  Silence is the gift we give ourselves because we are worth it.

I love Americans because we love to say "oh, I have been super busy".  We love for others to think that our life is a wild, crazy roller coaster we ride every day,  one that is super exciting and to boot super busy.  We even have short ways of saying things when we text like: OMG, WTF, LOL, LMAO and LMK.  We have truly become a society of busy bees whereby we simply wake up and run around all day and what is most concerning is how we often share that we "love being busy".  What we are really doing is avoiding our feelings and we do this by doing a million things a day to deter us from the deepest feelings we might otherwise have.  We are afraid to sit down and breathe because that would maybe mean that we will start to feel something and god forbid we would do that.  Instead of our yearning to be busy we should consider carving out a time every day when we are all about not being busy but being present.  When we are present we have said to ourselves: "you are worth it" and we take the opportunity to spend some alone time or one on one time with ourselves and someone we love.  After all, you're worth it., really you are.

Other than material things we are most often self-defined by someone else.  We allow people in our life to tell us who we are, by their words and their actions or even their lack of actions.  We feel great when our partner or spouse is "loving on us" and feel horrible when they are not.  Our mood and our direction is altered by one or two or three people we love or care about because we gave them that power.  Our decisions get effected because we believe that we are worth less than when someone does not approve or shows some kind of disapproval.  I love, love, love (yes, I said that three times) "The Four Agreements" and my spiritual elder Don Miguel Ruiz.  In his book he shares one of the four agreements: "Don't take anything personally".  The moment that we live by this is the very moment  we understand that our self worth comes from inside and not from any other person because we never personalize what others think of us.  I always say: "what you think of me, is none of my business".  Learning to formulate your own thoughts about who you are and become as close to perfection about what others say rolling off of you is key in understanding your self-worth.

So now go forth and sing, dance and live life fully.  Know that you were born worthy and that you never have to earn it.  Know that the things you own or your accomplishments are not what makes you worthy but moreover your purpose and your divine right to happiness.


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