Emotional Healing

As a spiritual mentor I have had the honor to help others heal from their emotional pain through their spiritual aspect.  I know now more than ever that healing comes from our spiritual heart center and not our ego minds.  I cannot say how many people I have met that have been seeing a therapist for years, sometimes ten years who have come to me in desperation and in kind of a last ditch effort to heal their emotional self.  I would not ever knock therapists and their important role in some people's lives and there are may who understand the importance of the spiritual being, often times incorporating basic principles with spiritual principles.  The thing about emotional healing is that it needs to include the whole person and I believe we cannot ignore that very important part of who we are: "spiritual beings having an emotional experience".

Emotionally healing from whatever ails us requires that we look deeper but more over it requires that we get the heart center.  It is there that our spiritual self resides and there that we must focus our healing.  The mind is involved in our healing but only to the degree that we ask ourselves the deeper questions around why.  Our heart is a thinking vessel in that it speaks to us in words that have no intellectual interpretation, but rather a spiritual interpretation.  Our heart is the vessel that holds our pain and our joy.  Therefor when we look to the heart for answers we are looking inside a deeper part of us.  We can intellectualize things all we like but when it comes to our emotional healing that is not where we will find the joy we lost for whatever reason we lost it.  The truth is that we cannot heal emotionally without admitting that our heart is injured and our spirit has been challenged.  And so emotionally healing is more about uncovering the pain that is at the core of our spiritual being.

Healing on an emotional level has been a personal journey of mine.  I was an abused child and learned very early how to conceal it and stuff it down.  Needless to say this did little to no good and it was not until I looked at how my heart and spirit was effected that I started down the path of emotional recovery.  It is hard to admit how long this journey took me because it was not until I was around 50 that I realized the power of my own spiritual energy and how going into my heart would heal me.  A part of that healing was forgiveness and in my studies in Spiritual Psychology I learned that it was not in my highest interest to hold grudges against my mother or my father and that forgiving them both would be the healing that I needed to move forward in my life.  I had been stuck or semi-stuck in that old story for years and it was a relief, to say it mildly, to let go by using forgiveness and seeking that person in me that is a spiritual warrior.  Emotional healing requires us to forgive the people we deemed as "bad" or "evil" or ones who did awful things to us.  We can think about forgiveness and what it means but that is in our heads whereas the ultimate healing comes from the heart.  It was only until I realized that I had to forgive everyone that I realized true joy and was able to live more fully.

Emotional healing is a lot of work.  We cannot bypass the steps that must take place for us to heal at a deeper and more profound level.  We have to be willing to do the work and feel that feelings in a way that might make us wail like an injured animal.  When we censor the pain we unknowingly make it have more power.  The work involved in healing at a deep level is varied and different for each of us but there are some basic things that need to happen for all of us:
1. We must identify the origin of the pain and what needs to be healed.
2. We must be willing to do daily self-loving work and get the help we need.
3. We must be willing to forgive others for their mistakes, their indiscretions and their inability to nurture us.
4. We must be courageous and willing to feel the pain versus running from it.

1. Where do I feel my pain?
2. What kind of self-work will help me to heal and move on?
3. Who do I need to forgive in my life so that I can release him or her?
4. Where did my emotional pain come from?
5. What are the things I have been carrying around that I want to heal from?


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