Beautiful Single Free

I like to think that in my day I was "living la vida loca" as Ricky Martin would say.  I did all kinds of fun, smart and some dumb stuff and admittedly "I did it my way" (sorry songs keep coming up).  When we are single and young we are also naive about life and we may do something like drink five beers and drive home drunk, wondering the next day how the hell we got home.  Not good.  Yet each of us has had his or her youthful journey playing the field and doing as we wished.  Once we were past that young and crazy state we then proceeded to find a partner and many you us married and now today we are all divorced.  It certainly says a lot about the institution of marriage and the fact that it is not for all of us, in fact fifty percent of these marriages end in divorce.  This is the stage at which some of us are learning to live beautiful, productive, free, single lives and more of us are enjoying it greatly.

The beauty of being single cannot and should not be under-rated.  The beauty of loving the self is likely the most precious love of all.  The love you have for yourself is everything and when we learn this truth and we begin to embrace the true nature of who we are.  Every day is a thing of beauty and every day we are alive is a chance to say yes and to celebrate our own beauty.  Learning to see our own inner wonders is a huge part of being single and happy.  It is not something we have to force but rather something we practice each day.  What is it about me that is beautiful we may ask?  I say, everything.

Beautiful does not mean that it is expensive.  In fact beautiful has meaning and beauty is an expression of your inner self.  Find the things that speak to you whether it is a crystal or a toy car.  It is about surrounding yourself with the meaning of what it is to love yourself every day.   I love birds and so I have a wooden rocking bird on my dining table, an art piece with birds, salt and pepper shakers that are small birds, pillow shams with exotic birds and toille plates with birds in trees.  I am reminded how much I love these creatures of the earth and to sing and be cheerful.  You can create a home that is yours and that has meaning in the same way as my home does.  Being single does not mean you need to settle but rather not settle and live a life of beauty.  If someone joins you consider it to be an additional factor.

Reminding ourselves just how beautiful life is takes work.  We must do this with intention and with mantras and affirmations but mostly by our daily decisions.  When we live in beauty we also live in love, taking each moment and savoring it, enjoying all of what surrounds us.  Finding the beauty in nature, in animals, in others is key to knowing our own inner beauty.  When we are single and beautiful we acknowledge that we are in a special place and we are grateful for where we are and what we have and how we see life.  When we are single and happy we can see the exciting journey before us and we are anxious to step into it.  Being single is a gift and the gift is that we choose every moment for our own highest good.  The gift is that we enter into each day with a clean slate and a chance to mold it into beautiful experiences and beautiful connections with the earth and with others. There is not limiting us when we are alone and know that we can and will become all that we know inside that we are and all that we understand that we are: Beautiful.


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