Practices for Inner Peace

For some people inner peace comes in the form of religion while for others yoga is their way of finding peace and serenity.  There are so may ways to creating a peaceful and centered life and for those of us who have worked on finding that center of peace there are various ways to achieve this:

1. Daily Meditation
2. Daily Prayer
3. Daily Journals
4. Daily Reading/Daily Word

Daily Meditation:
Taking the time every day to meditate helps many people to get centered and find their inner peace.  It is a proven method of finding serenity, healing and quieting the thoughts that cause us so much stress.  Meditating every day for a minimum of 20 minutes provide us with the time to regroup and to reboot our spirit.  Some people believe that meditation is religious in nature yet it does not need to be and in most cases is not.  The objective of meditation is to clear your mind and body by focusing on the heart and healing.  It is a time to let go of the rapid thoughts and fears that sometimes overwhelm us.  There are many books on meditation and there are many musical productions that one can use for the practice of meditation.

Daily Prayer:
Some of us have been raised with prayer and this is what we relate to.  For some, prayer is the way to heal and to show gratitude for everything and everyone.  Although prayer is not for everyone it is a great source of strength for many and as we know has had long lasting effects for people who are ill and for bringing a sense of knowing and peace.  Prayer does not have to be the same every time and it does not have to be a specific prayer.  The most important thing is to go inside and to share what we are grateful for and what we need help with.  God is the entity that many believe they pray to however God is not the only entity to pray to.  Spirit, Goddess, Source and other entities are just some of the alternative sources to pray to and ask for guidance from.

Daily Journaling:
This daily activity can be coupled with prayer or meditation.  The objective of journaling is to give us the space to express how we feel and to be as honest about it so that we can begin to feel relief.  Journaling is about releasing what we need to release and expressing what is in the deepest part of us.  For some the privacy issue becomes and concern because someone might find their journal and read it.  In this case writing and then disposing of it is an alternative to keeping a journal.  Journaling is writing and is simply a way to unload the thoughts and feelings that don't serve us.

Daily Reading/Daily Word:
We forget what something so simple can do for our spirit as reading something that is positive and helpful each day.  Reading spiritual or self-loving text every day places a focus of starting our day in a way that is compassionate and loving.  There are many books that have a daily reading where one can read one positive thought a day and there are many "self-help" books that I prefer to call self-loving texts.  Finding the right book for you is easy if you allow your intuition to guide you or if you prefer doing some research to find that perfect book.  The objective of reading each day is a reminder to yourself to live positively and to use what you are learning to make your life more joyous, more loving, more fruitful and more of what you want it to be.  There are many educated and wise leaders who have shared their wisdom with all of us like: Deepak Chopra, Don Miguel Ruiz, Marianne Williamson.  Dr Dyer, Sonia Coquette and more.  A daily reading practice can be viewed as preventative work just as a good diet keeps us healthy.

What is your plan for your daily practice?  What will you do to ensure that each day starts out positive and with an act of self-love?  Make up your mind that you are important enough to spend time giving yourself what you need in the form that you deem best.


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