Your Mission Your Vision

There are so many of us who are in a constant questioning state around what our mission and what our vision is and becoming clear in both of these areas will effect our life in a positive way.  Becoming clear on what our mission and vision is will help us to live a life of purpose and intention.  Let me explain:

Our vision is what we believe we are here to do, what we yearn to do and what we dream of.  Our vision lives in our heart and in our mind but the most meaningful place where it will rise up in glory is that place we hold in our hearts.  A silent, reverent and sacred search of your heart will determine our vision and bring it forward.  Our vision is mainly our dream, the dream of what we see ourselves doing that lifts us to the highest vibration.

Some of your visions could sound like this: 

My vision is to serve others by writing love poems and publishing them.
My vision is to serve mankind by mentoring others using my skills as a spiritual leader and life coach.
My vision is to be a public speaker that spreads the message of self-love and the importance of human connections.

What is your vision?  

Our mission is the work we need to do related to our vision.  I see the mission as the action steps we need to consider to accomplish the vision we have deep inside of us.  Sonia Coquette in her book "Your Heart's Desire" talks about our dreams and making them into reality.  In many ways that is how it works.  Our vision (our dreams) dictate our mission (what we do).  I like to break down the mission into action steps.  Here are some examples of what I mean: 

My mission is to find as may public venues to share my knowledge in.
My mission is to stay emotionally healthy so that I can serve others more efficiently.
My mission is to take a public speaking class at the local college that will help me to become a better public speaker.

What is your mission?  

Here is and activity for your consideration: 

Find a comfortable spot to sit or lay down.  Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.  Sit in silence for ten minutes to clear your mind a bit.  Now sit and write down your vision (your dreams) and your mission (what you are willing to do to achieve those dreams).  Get some old magazines and create a vision board with pictures and words that express your vision.  You can use a poster board to do this and then if you like have it laminated.  Put this vision board up in your room or office.  Look at it each day as inspiration and to send your unconscious self the messages that you will need to accomplish your vision and propel you to action.


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