What Is Your Purpose?

We have all asked ourselves this question about our purpose and it is actually a very good question.  We can wander aimlessly through life yet for most of us this does not feel quite right.  We spend a lot of our life trying to figure out what our purpose is and what the meaning of our life is.  We believe this to be a difficult task and hard to figure out yet in reality it is easy once we understand purpose and we understand that each of us has a purpose.

Purpose is the reason that we live our life and the way we live it.  When we figure out our purpose we figure out what the actions are that support our purpose.  Some of us figure out that our purpose is to heal while others understand that our purpose is to serve God.  Whatever our purpose is we understand that we are here for a reason and we turn that into an action.

I understand that I am here to serve and to help others.  I do this by coaching others in life matters and by making it affordable to people who might not otherwise afford it.  I get that my purpose is to share whatever wisdom I have attained from life experiences and from helping others through a variety of situations such as grieving a death of a loved one, divorce, infidelity and soft core additions.  I also feel that my purpose is to do the self-loving work on myself and to learn as much as I can by reading and doing the research needed to help others.  And so in essence I have a purpose that includes helping others while keeping myself as healthy as possible so that I can best be of service to others.

Each of us has a purpose and the way that we can uncover it is by first asking ourselves how we can best be with others and what is the gift we have to share.  An artist shares the gift of beauty with others and for centuries have documented history in many ways.  A singer gifts the listener with a feeling of joy and other emotions.  Each of us has a gift and often times it is that gift that we can convert into our purpose but only when we are willing to share it.  As soon as we figure out our gift we usually figure out our purpose.

Once we know our purpose and we turn it into actions we are well on our way to living our purpose. There is also this thought my beloveds and that is that love and connection is all of our purpose.  If we strive to be loving and connected versus disconnected and unloving we are fulfilling the universal purpose, one that all of us are here to share.  Whatever we do and how it effects others is what we must consider as important and valuable on this earth.  No one hates and hurts others without it having a rippling effect and although we understand this kind of purpose to be evil or bad, it is everything in between that we do that effects others negatively, like apathy and ignorance.

What are your gifts?  How do you want to impact the world and others?  How can you turn your gifts into a way to serve and love others?  How can you turn your gift into a way to heal or bring joy to the world, to others?  How can you gift others with your art or your song or your massage skills?  It may seem difficult to turn your gift into your purpose and yet it is the most simple way to live a life with purpose.  I would like to encourage each of you to sit down with a blank paper, some colored pencils and become silent for ten minutes asking yourself "what are my gifts?".  Keep the silence throughout this exercise and start to draw hearts in different colors and inside write one of the many gifts inside each heart.  Once you have completed this, sit eyes closed for another five minutes and then on another sheet turn those gifts into actions that rise up from the list.  We all have a purpose beloveds, some more than one.  The beauty of it is that there is not one purpose that is more valuable than yours.


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