"I Hate My Life"

In the movie "Beaches" Bettter Midler and Barbara Hershey become the most unlikely friends.  Bette is a poor kid from the Broncs who smokes at age 10 and Barbara who is also about 10 years old is a princess who comes from a wealthy family.  What makes the story riveting is that they somehow end up in each other's lives as adult women while Bette is working as a singer in a sleazy club and Barbara has become a lawyer like her dad.  What. I loved about the moive, as well as my daughters, is that dichotomy in their lives and the love they shared as friends.  It seemed that nothing would stop them unlike the division of children in our real world.  Bette who went around auditioning with her mom whom she called by her first name, Leona was so frustrated at her antics to get her a job that she shouted out to her mom: "You are ruining my life Leona" and ended by stating: "I hate my life".  It is a film worth seeing and it is touching and real.  Like real life we often say this when we are upset or angry: "I hate my life" and as a result many of us have been dealt a life that is miserable and filled with pain not to mention other factors involved.  When we make statements like this we are in fact inviting an "I hate my life" life.  Here's what happens:

Every time we say our life sucks or we hate this or that the universe listens and gives us more shit and more reasons to hate our life.  We do fulfill this crazy as prophecy of manifesting what we don't want more of but that we speak about over and over.  Each time we repeat our distain for our miserable life we seem to bring more of that energy to our lives.  It is like a universal law I am afraid to share with all of you.  The more we hate the more we bring hate into our circle of energy.  I am not going to say that this is always that case but I will say it is likely the case for people who are shaming their life and are not grateful but rather ungrateful.

Gratitude is key in unhating your life.  Becoming grateful with an intention to list your gratitudes and focus on them will have an oppposite effect from hating our life and saying it.  When we say what we love and we list it mentally or physically we will always bring more of that into your life.  Better Midler sounded so funny in the movie and as a girl it seemed to make sense and you just understood why she felt that way but in contrast there was Barbara who was always smiling and cheerful to the degree that Bette hated it.  We sometimes loath people who are happy.  We question it and think that there is no way they are that happy.  Yet there are people who are that happy and who live each day with a sense of appreciation and adventure.  That my friends is the way to go.

If you "hate your life" then that is clearly a message that there may need to be some change.  If you hate what you are doing then maybe it is time to make that shift and go into a new job.  If you hate being married then it may be OK to consider a divorce.  Life is not always easy and there will be times when you cannot stand this or that part of it, but there is hope and transformation is as far away as your desires to change.  Hating your life should never be an option.  Hating your life and stating it is a decision, a bad one at that.  Mold your life into something of beauty and understand that there are parts of it that are already beautiful.  Act in a way that is less about what you hate and more about what you love.  Make statements that will propel you not stuff you down into darkness,  We make our beds and that my beloveds is the truth.

1. What is your self-talk?  Is it shaming and negative or filled with put downs?
2. What can your self-talk be like if you replace all those shaming and blaming statements?
3. What can you do to center yourself in what is going well in your life? (Actions)
4. Where does all this hate come from?  Is it really the truth or something that stuck with you for a long time from long past experiences?
5. What can you do daily to self-nurture and to heal from the thoughts that drive your reality?


  1. Words bring life and death, so powerful! Thanks for this piece! xoxo


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