You're a Spiritual Being Having a Human Experience

The reason that we feel so uncomfortable is often due to the fact that we are attempting to live a life as a human being when we are really a spiritual being.  On that quest we stay out of touch with our feelings and we try to avoid becoming hurt, falling in love or being wronged.  Our human notion asks us to control everything possible and even try to control some things that are impossible to control.  Still we try and still we live as if our human actions can change the outcomes when in fact life is much more than the ability to remain cool.  No matter how many times we fail our human thinking makes us believe we can avoid what we like and only do that which we want to do.  Although there seems to be nothing wrong with that and many of us get away with doing just that, most of us will understand that living on the surface is not enough.  We are spiritual beings having a human experience yet what we want to think is that we are human beings having an occasional spiritual experience.

Our spirit is the deepest part of who we are.  Our heart, our souls and our deepest feelings is a part of our spiritual makeup.  Our spirit asks us to question our purpose in life and why we are here, not just at times, but every day.  Our spirit is what seperates from our body when we leave this earth because our human body is only a house for the time that we are on this earth.  Understanding spirit is understanding that our spirit is a part of us that does not die with our body.  It is in fact our spirit that helps us to survive abuse, survive the losses so that we can to live the best life we know how.  Our spirit is separate from our body and it is the part of us who reminds us that our body is our temple.  It is our spirit that asks us to nurture ourselves and give ourselves a break from the self judgments that the human ego engages us in repeatedly.  Our spirit asks us to live a spiritually based life, one that is compassionate, understanding, loving, joyful and clear.  Our spirit always trumps our humanity and allows us a view of ourselves that is healthier, more connected to others, in our feelings and in touch with life.  

We live a human life with limitations and rules about how we should be and how we should respond.  Yet from a human vantage point we cannot live fully and with purpose.  When we live as a human we attempt to win arguments and make others around us wrong.  When we live a human experience we are limited to only what we can see, eliminating any chance of a shift of energy, intuition, miracles and dreams.  In the world of the human experience we limit ourselves to responding to what happens to us and we wait for the next thing to happen as if we cannot do anything about it.  In the human experience we view things that happen to us as being victimized.  When we just live in the human experience we live in limitation.  We accept that the only things that are true are the things we see and that the feelings we have can only be those connected to something or someone.  Living in the human experience is the opposite of living a spiritual experience.  We say we are human beings having a human experience and we leave it at that, yet deep inside we feel like there is something missing.  We are in fact spiritual beings having a constant array of human experiences and when we avoid those deeper parts of who we are, we are really missing some important experiences.  

How do we live as spiritual beings?  We do this by acknowledging who we are.  We do this by taking the time to access this deeper energy inside of us.  We can do this by meditating or by just taking the time to be silent each and every day.  We do this when we take a walk in nature or when we engage in activities like drawing.  We can access our spiritual part by stopping and giving ourselves permission to breathe deeply and compose ourselves.  We do this when we communicate in a compassionate manner with others we sense need of understanding.  We communicate with that part of who we are by asking a simple question like: "what is my spirit asking of me right now?"  Like our body our spirit needs to be nurtured in as many ways as we can imagine.  Some days the most simple of acts of kindness will help nurture our spirit.  Instead of avoiding our feelings when we are hurt and becoming angry and resentful, feeding our spirit means that we talk ourselves through whatever is going on in the moment.   

I believe I am a spiritual being having a human experience.  I guess that comes as no surprise for those of you who know me.  My intimation is that each of you live as if you are more than a human body.  My invitation is that each of you find your spiritual being and nurture that part of you.  
Elliott Collazo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        


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