Mission Challenge

Well today has in all honestly challenged me in every manner imaginable.  I admit that from the start of this day I felt dizzy and out of sorts.  This health opportunity wants to take me down or so it seems, but I am not going to let it.  I look at it as this is the devil entity attempting to make me doubt and not be in my complete faith and I say hell no to that here and now.  OK, I said it out loud and I am saying it in writing: God has the power to heal and he has given us the power to heal!  We are god's miracles and there is nothing more profound and empowering than that.  The lovely part of it is that someone in charge decided to give me the next two days off from my missionary duties and I can focus on getting better.  That is the beauty of being in a loving and compassionate place.  The people here tuned in and will do all that it takes to bring love and light to those of us who are here doing this work and addressing our health.  I am grateful indeed to this place and all who work here.  I can also feel the love energy from those of you out there who love me.

Today I realised that I could use a bit of a shot of self-love and learning to say no.  I decided to get on the phone to try to resolve an issue with changing my mailing address.  I had the option to not do it and ask that my husband take it on but did not.  I ran around on the phone for over an hour and then onto the internet without being able to solve it, not knowing that there are some companies out there that charge 30.00 or more to do this for you when the US Postal service does it for a dollar.  I not only allowed myself to become crazy and out of sorts I ended up being so frantic that in the end I could of done it all with much more ease.  Finally the magic was a confirmation from the postal office in an email that finally showed the content.  By this time I had gone in so many circles I started to blame others, mostly my husband for not just doing it and not involving me at all, which he is going to do.  It was all a freaking test and I feel like I failed it again miserably.  I have been trying to practice the act of just being and not allowing this type of stuff to  send me into a spin, yet it is exactly what I allowed it to do.  My anger escalated, my spirit was injured and my mind went into overdrive.  Part of it is normal because as we all know it is hell trying to do these things on the phone when there are so many options that keep you from actually talking to someone.  What I know is that my spirit takes a blow when I allow these kinds of things to bother me and take away my joy and that my body cannot heal without staying as much in my center as is humanly possible.  I learned another lesson and that may be as simple as saying no.  I just need to know when to breathe and when to take on something at the time that it comes forward.  Admittedly, part of it has to do with how much I hate waiting and so I must be in a state of patience to begin with.

So here I am sitting on the sofa in the townhouse that is provided listening to meditation radio on Pandora and feeling a little more grateful than I was earlier and even now as I process the way this day unfolded.  I know that there is always hope and that what brings it forward is faith.  I must have the faith that tomorrow will be a better day and that I won't feel the same as I did today.  I have to hold onto that hope and that faith every day that I live and be in gratitude for each day that I get.  It is all a gift and I must not allow anything to cloud that for me.  Life is so precious for me right now.  I will give myself a break and go easy on myself tonight.  I will sleep under three blankets and thank god that I have them.  I will listen to this music and know that it is a gift from divine source that soothes me and loves me.  I will thank god for the warm townhouse I am afforded to live in and the healing energy of the people all around me.  I will glorify god because I am after all still here!  And most of all I will discontinue trying to be a  perfectionist and making believe that I am a victim when in act I am a warrior survivor.

To those of you struggling with your own personal matters I invite you to stay strong and know that there is always hope.  God does not seem to give us more than we can handle even when we think we cannot handle it.  With that said I wish you all the blessings of goddess and the light of love.
Coach Elliott


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