Mission Self Healng

Today I have taken on a new prospective around healing and have decided that I am going to send my body healing messages that are affirming that I am whole while embracing the tumour, sensing that it is the right thing for me in this moment.  I will be doing this daily at least once and maybe twice a day for at least twenty minutes.  I have also asked friends and family to do the same. I can already feel a difference in two days.  It is amazing what the mind can do.  We know it but we doubt it.  I can truly feel the healing occurring and the tingling feeling where the tumour is located.  I am imaging in shrinking and by the power of god leaving my body.  There is a part of me that is even embracing it feeling like it is a suppose to be a part of me for as long as it needs to be and then it will leave my body peacefully and without a fuss.

Again, I have cried more freely than I have in the past.  I allow it to come out of me without regard for who sees me or how it comes out of me.  I just let myself feel the feelings and let them out with my tears.  It is a liberating choice I am making as a man and as person who believed that men should not cry.  But that is all in the past now and today I will embrace my heart and allow it to bleed if it needs to bleed or pound until it feels relieved.  I just want to let that venom out of me and release it to the universe.  Nothing wrong with it, no judgements, no hate, no fear, just surrendering to it.  It seems like that is all I am doing these days.  No more feeling sorry for Elliott but more like an empowered releasing of emotion that has been still inside me for a long time.  I get to be my own spiritual mentor and I get to be my own advocate and give myself some compassionate strokes.  I am genuine in my feelings and my thoughts.  I can be honest and share them with God and with myself.  I don't need to hide behind a tree anymore and in fact I don't want to.  I don't want to make anyone else first anymore but me, because I am realizing that I need to do that.  It is my turn now.

I am in this moment feeling the healing happening to my body parts.  I can feel it as I talk about healing.  It is like my mind and spirit is sending those messages automatically now.  My faith is rising and my heart is lighter.  I can feel inspiration and hope.  I can feel joy and healing.  I am holding on tightly to that feeling, maybe too tightly but it feels right in this moment and in this time.  Spirit seems present my heart is continuing to open up.  I will take what is offered to me here and now and take it all in.  I will open every cell of my body to the process that awaits me no matter what the outcome.  I will accept what unfolds in me and for me.  I will find a way to be at peace with the dark parts and allow myself to feel that too, not fear it or run from it.  I will ask for what I need and take what I want.  I will live as fully as possible.

Tomorrow brings another experience.  Tomorrow starts a new day.  We are going to order some furniture that we need and I am hoping to have another day with my daughter who is coming to visit and taking the train in to be with me.  What a lucky person I am.  I am in such gratitude for having an adult child that still likes me and wants to be with me.  She is one of my butterflies and lights up my path.  Tomorrow is a day to celebrate if in fact Goddess gifts it to me.  I will look forward to it because after all no one is guaranteed another day.


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