My Mission Monday

I have now been at OHI doing my healing and missionary work for two weeks.  I seem to have come to some kind of rhythm and today I noted that I liked the food more and could taste it better.  In fact I ate everything on my plate all day today with ease and grace and even enjoyed it.  The food has been a challenge for me in case I had not mentioned it before.  But for some reason today I savoured it and almost loved it.  I can only think it to be divine intervention.  I was praying that the food would not continue to repulse me as it had in the past and even the day before.  I feel blessed around this simple piece of progress.

Today I heard this quote again by Mark Twain where he says: "I have experienced many tragedies in my life, none of which ever happened".  It came from Sophia the instructor of an Alpha relaxation class.  Before this she had asked who in the room worries and a few people raised their hands up.  She then shared that we had a talent and that was that we were able to convince ourselves to get stressed over something that has not happened.  I realized just how good I am at creating a story about something that is going to happen to me and then proceed to worry about it when it has not yet happened.  We do this all the time and in the same way that we create this image of what is going to happen that is bad for us we can use that energy to convince ourselves of the wonderful things that we want to happen to us.  It is a testament to the fact that we can manifest a lot of what happens in our lives by talking to the mind about it and it can be way more productive and positive.  It feels like this is the shift that took place for me with the food.  Even the wheat grass juice tasted a little less crazy to me and in fact I had no symptoms of repulsion either physical or emotional.  It is the power of our own thinking that we haven't a clue as to how it conveys and can alter what we experience.  We can so easily and literally take ourselves from dark to light thoughts about things we need to do that with in order to move up and out of it or into it.

I took really good care of myself today.  I feel more settled in today and feel more comfortable with my decision to be here.  I going with the flow of life and doing my best to see the ending as a happy one.  In a long conversation with a young girl here she shared that she was needing to decide between living in Costa Rica or another place like Brazil and talked about what her options under each situation were.  The whole time all I could think about was that she would have the courage to do either because both were completely out of the box thinking and doing.  I thought about my own decision to heal and to be here and it put it into prospective because in comparison to her decision mine was easy.  The other thing I noticed about myself was that I had no desire to tell her what to do, suggest to her what she should do or try to convince her of my wisdom or lack of.  I listened and allowed here to share what she needed to share.  The only  thing I shared was the idea of writing a living vision about the two options and that this may provide more clarity for her.  She was looking for any answer just as many of us look for other to help us answer our queries or make sense of something.  That never works out to well when we will be the only ones present when the decision goes right or wrong.  It is our decisions to make and no one can make them for us, in fact we should prefer they not.  Guidance comes from a  power greater than us not from someone else.

So today has been an overall really great day.  I have been present all day long.  I have felt connected to source and others all day long.  I have eaten well all day long.  I have nurtured Elliott all day long. I have served others and not tried to control the outcome.  I have applied all that I can to my health opportunity in service to healing and even had time to dialog with a beautiful soul, one of many who  will pass through here and will become an important part of my journey.  I will learn and I will teach and in either case I will be humble and allow spirit to say what is next for me.


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