The Mission Goes On

Today was what OHI refers to as Friday Night Live.  It is  talent show led by a guest and whereby quests perform.  I decided to recite a poem to music and while I am Elliott not TS Elliott I know that whatever I share, however small will be embraced by all who are here.  I think it to be part of my healing path to get up every week on Friday and share a little bit more of who i am, eventually doing a  little stand up comedy, something I have always wanted to do.  Whenever I MC the show when I was a guest I totally hammed it up and loved being on stage behind a mic.  It's really just a chance to enjoy yourself and to share some talent.  Tonight there were some lovely dancers, singers, poets and more.  It was great to see that people still put themselves out there and take a chance on themselves.

I wore a white shirt, a black bow tie an jacket with a cloth from India wrapped like a skirt in black, red and yellow.  I actually brought the fabric with me to decorate with and ended up taking it off my bedroom window and wearing it.  For some it was likely a bit shocking to see me in the wrap and dressed up to the max for such a simple event but my heart and spirit wanted to get dressed up and so I did.  I enjoy that part of my expression and today it truly felt like I had done it for Elliott.

I had a good day today and felt like I was productive, even at assisting in the food prep class washing dishes.  I have to say that each time the job feels less menial and more like service.  My ego has become less and less invested and I am moving away from this idea that I am too smart, too witty, too charming or too cute to do that kind of work.  After all it has to be done.  Now I feel like I am doing it with more gusto and in a manner that expressed my gratitude for being in this healing venue.  I don't feel like I am too good to wipe counters, serve food or wash utensils.  I don't feel I am too good to prepare the insides of the planners for quests and I don't feel to good to be here and do whatever I need to do next.  What does it matter what I do to serve.  What matters is that I am doing it and that I do it with pride and from the heart.  That is what I want to do and that is how I want to feel.

How would I have known that my health issue would bring me to this place of opportunity?  I could not have imagined it.  Each day I feel more and more healing from the inside out and beginning with m soul and my heart place.  Today after the talent show I stayed behind and ended up dancing to Albita and The Gypsy Kings for a while.  The three of us just allowed ourselves the space to enjoy each other and dance.  That is just how I have envisioned my life to be and how I can see it unfolding from this time forward.  I want to dance with spontaneity and twirl with abandonment.

These days I have so little advise or wisdom to share.  I really don't want to save anyone.  I think I said that before.  I don't really want to feel important or wise.  I think I may have said that before.  I don't want to save anyone.  I just want to share my story about this experience and allow you all to decide what it means to you and for you if anything.  I feel pretty honoured to share it with you all and I hope that with my ego univested my truth is coming out more each time.  I send love to my daughters Taina and Camille.


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