My Mission 12-1-13

I cannot freaking believe that it is already December 1.  My god what an amazing crazy thing.  I feel like I just blinked and the two weeks I have been here have gone by.  Don't get me wrong, it's not been a birthday party, not even close, but suddenly the lines between the time I arrived and now are blurred.  Some day I hope that it will all be a blur in that I will find it hard to believe that I spent three months of my life here and what will stand out will be the beautiful and profound experience I will have had.  I look forward to that day and in the meantime I feel like I am living one day at a time, one moment at a time, sometimes one second at at time, each day becoming more comfortable and grateful to be alive.  Life circumstances surely brought me here and although there have been moments of despair not one time have they taken over, not one time have I decided to give in to it.

For the last two days I have taught the morning exercise class.  It is a very light workout for people to address their lymphatic system and we do movements that are unusual in that they are for detoxing the body and they are moves that we don't normally do.  When I lead the class I feel empowered and feel like every person in the class feels the same way.  It is a group of us, some with cancer, some with diabetes, some with heart disease, some with obesity issues, some with skin disorders and even MS, all with the hope of healing.  In the two weeks I have been here I have seen people go from barely being able to move to vibrant and their colour on their faces returning.  They are all a testament to the power of faith, the ability for the body to heal itself and how important food is to the healing process.  I won't even mention how bad food contributed to each and every person's health, something that of course is downplayed by doctors and western medicine.  Here where there are people working as nurse, counselors, nutritionist, colon therapists and healers, all of whom have overcome serious health issues like cancer.  It is amazing to me and at the same time it saddens, even angers me that we don't have the proper information about diet and serious illnesses, in fact it seems to be almost completely ignored.  As I have shared and others have documented before it's just not

But given all that is going on around me and my own journey I must say this is a tough path to take.  It is no wonder so many have likely failed.  Who wants to have to give up meat, pasta, bread and of all things ice-cream to heal themselves?  Of course now I realize that if I had been more conscious of what I put in my mouth I would have not been here.  And of course there is the emotional aspect of illness that we don't factor in.  Not surprising when we often hear that the reason we have heart trouble is "genetic".  It gets explained away this way when in truth there is likely way less of a chance that we are ill because of "genetics".  It is more likely that it's the freaking horrible diet we are on.  I g

Today I just want to thank God for being here and having the strength to move into a healing place where each day I feel like I can breath better and taste food more.  Where I can be more in the center of my heart, out of my ego head and serving myself and others around me.  Already I have made friends, some whom I will never see again but most of which have affirmed me exactly as I am and for what I am doing.  Some who have offered my jobs!  Throughout these couple of weeks I have come to know myself better in the silence, in the loneliness, in the laughter and in the reverent moments.  I have learned a little more each day and followed my heart more each day.  I have gotten more in touch with my soul and with my spirit.



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