Four Ways To Stop Procrastination
These are four ways to put a stop to procrastination before it takes over your dreams: Address the negative self-talk/feelings : Asking yourself why you are procrastinating is at the core of resolving it. Is it fear of failure or could it be that you are overextended? Whatever the feeling is that you know is in the way of accomplishing something you know you should do or want to do be honest about it and address it by talking yourself out of it or by seeking the help you feel you need. The only way to address the feelings is by admitting to them. Just knowing what is keeping you down can be helpful and healing. Examine your habits: Bad and addictive habits can be the reason you have not sprung into action sooner. Even a mild habit like watching too much TV can be the culprit to your procrastinating. We are creatures of habits and in some cases bad habits. We find ways to avoid doing what we know we should do and remarkably for many ...