Make Yourself A Home

I have blogged on this subject of making a house a home.  I think that it is imperative that every person create a living space that resonates as loving and a place where they like to spend time, alone and with others.  I admit that it saddens me to see how many people live in a house that does not resemble a home and in fact is a dysfunctional and chaotic space, one that they have not intention of caring for.  I also believe that a living space reflects the person who lives inside of it.  A confused person is likely to live in a space that is cluttered and disorganized for example while a person who is acutely depressed may live in a house that is very dirty and lacking any real ongoing care.  Whatever the reason there are many people who fail to make a house a home and tend to their home as if it meant something and is important to them.  In fact there are many people who do not put any importance on their home and do very little to make it a place of love, beauty or comfort.  Somewhere they can enjoy being as well as their family.

I like to share this story with others about a person I will give the name of Carl.  Carl lived in an upscale area in Chicago near the lake.  His parents had purchased a garden unit condo for him a long while back.  According to one of his friends, Carl was very depressed yet if you asked him he would not admit to that and in fact stated that nothing was wrong.  One day the person Carl was dating and living with most of the time went to his condo.  As this person we will call Carrie walked down the stairs her  expensive shoe went through the stair.  She was there to assist Carl in preparing the place for selling it.  She could not imagine what she would see once she opened the door with her daughter behind her.  To say that this condo was a mess would be putting it nicely.  The surround tile around the tub was inside of it, the toilet was brown and did not flush, the cushions from his sofa were torn up and the inside portion was on the floor, the floor had a large red stain, the kitchen cabinets were missing and unhinged, the fridge was stained everywhere and smelled to holy hell, the faucet in the kitchen squirted up instead of down, the plaster from the ceiling was on the kitchen table that had a leg missing and there was much more.  In a word it was a disaster and in another word filthy and dirty all over, except for the bedroom where he likely entertained whoever came over.  The bedroom was no grand hotel but it was much cleaner and much more organized than the rest of the home.  To this day Carl will deny that there was any issue and that "it was not so bad".  That kind of denial is typical of people who cannot admit they have a serious mind issue.

When we are convinced that all we deserve is a warm shack then that is what we will have.  When we are too lazy to do the work required to keep a home in tact and looking good then we will live like Carl.  Nothing is more important than where we live and living like a pig truly sends that message that you are unworthy.  Although there are many people who are accustomed to living a bit messy it is quite another issue when you live in complete chaos.  Making a home is easy if one does the daily work and does not allow things to fester.  Yet there are so many people who become hoarders and live with dead rodents around them and a small place to sleep surrounded by junk.  For some this is an illness they cannot control while others simply do not find it important to live in a clean and organized space.  Making yourself a home takes intention and must be done with purpose.  Asking ourselves what the purpose of our home is begins the process of making it lovely and. A place we like to be in.  It requires us to buy artifacts that express who we are and what the purpose of our beautiful home is.  It  requires us to tend to it as though we appreciate it and take the time to nurture it every single day.  When we live in a mess it is about how we feel inside of us.  When we allow things to accumulate and become unmanageable we are really being irresponsible to ourselves.

Making a house a home requires love, care, appreciation and dedication.  A house is made of wood, bricks and the like but a home is made of love.  It is only when we love our house that it becomes a home.  It takes time and effort to make our house a home.  Everything we put inside of it should have some meaning.  If you have tea lights it may mean you are a romantic person.  If you have a Buddha head it could mean you believe in peace, serenity and becoming centered.  So many people disregard their chance to make their home a place that they can enjoy fully and be surrounded by love.  So many of us are so busy working we leave our home for last and yet it should be the very first thing we tend to and make beautiful.  Most of us know when our home is becoming a confused, dirty and dysfunctional space.  We must be willing to take the time to apply the same love we place in each other onto our home working as a team to maintain it and apply a lot of care to it.  Make your house a home by looking at what it needs to become that sacred and functional space you and your family deserve.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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