Knowing We ARE A Gift

I believe that we all need to hear it more often and say it more often.  We are a gift.  I am a gift.  You are a gift.  Everyone is a gift.  There are many good reasons that we are a gift and although at one time I was not as comfortable owning my own gifts and as self assured as I am now.  For many of us it has taken years and years to understand that we are a gift and that we have value.   For some of us we are still trying to understand just how wonderful and magical we are.

In case you've not come up with some affirmation let me share some food for thought: 

You were born a gift: 
The very first thing we must know is that we were in fact born a gift.  The very fact that we were born is a miracle and enough to qualify as a human being that is blessed.  Our ten fingers, our ten toes and all of who we are is perfect and special.  Every single person who is born with a breath and heart is living proof of what a wonderful human being we are.  I always smile when people say, "God does not make any junk".  I truly believe that and when we believe this we know with all of our being that we are a beautiful gift.  

You are already gifted: 
Everyone including you has gifts and is gifted.  We all have some gift that we can offer up as something of value.  Some of us are singers, some of us are decorators, some of us are good at making others feel great while some of us create a loving home for our children.  What we don't often understand is that what we may think is not noteworthy is truly a worthy gift.  A person who is good at organizing a home, family and work they have a special gift.  While we may not think ourselves as gifted in truth we all are.  Hence if every person has a gift you are as well.  Knowing our gifts is the most important part of owning our gifted spirit as a human being and a spiritual being.

Use your gifts: 
Once you know what gifts you possess using them is the next step in living a gifted life.  If you are good at something it does not mean anything if you don't use it by sharing it.  For some of us finding that gift is not easy, especially those of us who've been abused and put down and bullied.  Trusting that you know what you are skilled at is the first step to living a life that acknowledges your worth.  Using our gifts to help others is likely the most important factor.  Some of us use our gifts to help others in doing volunteer work while others use their gifts to make a living.  Fining out what our primary talents are and. turning them into action is how we nurture our gifts.  By sharing our gifts we see the value of them and of our person.

Be a gift: 
Even if we are unclear as to what our gifts are and even when we use them and feel as though we are not getting any results, we must strive to be a gift.  By choosing love we are being a gift.  By deciding to treat everyone with respect and compassion we are being a gift.  Although many of us have hear the saying "she thinks she is a gift to the world" we rarely understand that beyond someone being confident is a decision to be all that we are.  Perhaps the person who believes he or she is a gift to the world is on to something of value.  Maybe when we understand that we are a gift to the world we can more easily demonstrate that in our lives are important and that we matter.  That what we are makes a difference.  When we know these truths we can begin to be the gift by living a life that is kind, loving, joyous and considerate to others around us.

The small gifts matter: 
Here are some small gifts.  A person who makes others laugh is a gift. A person who smiles in a way that makes you smile back.  A person who picks up what someone else accidentally dropped is a gift.  A person who uses loving language with others is a gift.  A. Person who takes care of his or her children is a gift.  A person who maintains a clean home environment for a family is a gift.  A person who gives their seat to an elderly person in a doctor's office is a gift.  A man who always opens the door for a lady and honors her at all times is a gift.  A woman who has a green thumb and provides her family with beautiful flowers in the back yard is a gift.  Our gifts can seem minor yet every gift that we share with others matters.  Every gift that we are matters.

Elliott M. Collazo-Gonzalez 


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