Four Ways To Stop Procrastination

These are four ways to put a stop to procrastination before it takes over your dreams: 

Address the negative self-talk/feelings: Asking yourself why you are procrastinating is at the core of resolving it.  Is it fear of failure or could it be that you are overextended?  Whatever the feeling is that you know is in the way of accomplishing something you know you should do or want to do be honest about it and address it by talking yourself out of it or by seeking the help you feel you need.  The only way to address the feelings is by admitting to them.  Just knowing what is keeping you down can be helpful and healing.

Examine your habits:
Bad and addictive habits can be the reason you have not sprung into action sooner.  Even a mild habit like watching too much TV can be the culprit to your procrastinating.  We are creatures of habits and in some cases bad habits.  We find ways to avoid doing what we know we should do and remarkably for many years.  The only way to stop the procrastination cycle is to create new habits.  Some of the things that we can do to create more space is to stop watching TV, stop drinking, stop staying up late at night, stop worrying so much about housework or stop focusing so much on our spouse, our children or appearing to be perfect.  By stopping the addictive behaviors we make room for productive behaviors and eliminate excuses.

List the top priorities: Making a list of the the most important things you have been thinking about doing is the first step to identifying where you need to focus and what you need to do.  Decide the main focus related to what you want to accomplish and list only two top priorities like: a healthier me, a more prosperous me, a more creative me or a more active life.

Devise a written action plan: Make some measurable commitments in connected to your top priorities.  If you are striving to become a healthier you then this commitment could be working out three days a week for an hour each day.  Putting your actions onto paper solidifies it and makes you feel more accountable.  Posting your action plan keeps it in the forefront of your mind.  Making a few solid commitments will help in propelling you forward.

Check in with your progress:
Checking in on your own progress every week will be a great reminder and give you a push forward. Look at the action commitments you listed and see if you actually accomplished it.  Give yourself kudos by rewarding yourself with a dinner out or a short leisurely trip.  When you check your progress you are holding yourself accountable as no one else can.  Being honest about your progress means that you also look at why you may not have achieved your commitments and continue to make a commitment to change.

Go back Around:
Eventually you will achieve your commitments and become more action oriented.  Still you will find that you will continually go back through all of the steps and have an ongoing dialogues  with yourself about what needs to happen next that is in your highest vibration.  Although this may include family members the main focus should be on what you are doing or not doing that either is or is not aligned with your joyous progress.

For some of us our habits feel big and strong.  They seem to have a lot of power over us yet if we are to grow into our new proactive self we must believe that like other things we can overcome our additions.  Habits may not always feel like addictions but often times we are in dentist about them.  Any behavior that stops us from getting from point A to point B is an addition.  While some addictions effect our moving through things and getting what we want it is our lack of confidence that stops us in our tracks.  The more we succeed at attaining our commitments the more confident we will become.  It just takes practice, persistence and a plan.  .


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