5 Solid Ways To "Score"

Men often time scare women immediately simply because they get too excited too soon and too fast.  What men often forget is that the woman species is much more beautiful than the bird species where often times males are prettier and fancier.  Women do not like pretty men who are into them selves and often times have shared that a man they met was "too pretty".  Other women have become irritated by men who just do not know what it means to be a gentleman least of all be one.  Men forget that women think with their heads and hearts while men often times are led by physical urges some might admit, "their penis".  Steve Harvey is one of the few men who have it right and that is to "think like a woman".  Here are some sure ways to score whether it is a second date or an eventual relationship that is healthy:

1. Be a gentleman-walk behind her: 
2. Be a friend 
3. Be interested not interesting 
4. Be authentic 
5. Be Slow Intentional with purpose

For some men number one seems truly logical yet for many being a gentleman is only something they confide in their head and many times have no clue as to what that entails.  One of the primary ways to honor a woman is to allow her to enter first.  A man who is a gentleman sees to it that the woman enters first and safely.  The advantages of this kind of chivalry is that doors open ever more readily when a woman is the first lovely face that others see, especially in public places.  If there were ever a more beneficial factor for me personally it is that when a woman entered before I did magic happened almost every single time.  Being a gentleman means that you walk on the side of the street and she walks on the inside of the sidewalk.  It means that when you dance with her you are focused on her and when you talk to her you look into her eyes.  It requires us to open the doors and pull the chairs out and it surely means that when there is one seat left that we offer it to her.  Most of all it means that we respect and honor women and advocate for them and never allow a woman to be in distress without doing all that we can to stop it.

Friendship means more to women in the beginning and it should mean more to men.  We must view a woman as someone we can enjoy being with and someone that we would select as a friend.  She should be viewed in the same way as we might view making a friend of a man we look up to and who we care about.  Women want a friend in the long run and if you cannot fulfill that basic need then there is really no point.  By cultivating a friendship with a woman and not going to score immediately or too soon men can eventually score with a woman who is not just looking for a lover but someone who cares about them and enjoys their talents and gifts.

I believe I may have coined this phrase in my circle and as a former teacher I used it a lot.  "be interested not interesting" is simply a way of saying that it is less important to impress a woman by sharing what is so great about you than it is to be interested in her and her gifts.  Asking her questions about herself and being a good listener will get you lots of points very quickly while the contrary may not get you to the second date one they review how things went with you.  Be interested and genuine with a woman.  She will find you sexier this way versus how tight your jeans are.

Keeping it real with a woman is what many women feel men are lacking.  Demonstrating an authentic way about you is likely one of the things women notice immediately about you.  Being authentic does not mean you can say anything but rather that you are unpretentious and present yourself honestly.  Letting a woman know you have a little bit of a fear around commitment but that you feel like you are ready for it lets her know that your heart is in the right place.  Authentic means no airs and no bragging but on the other hand keeping an open mind and heart and sharing the truth about who you are and what you think about life and love.

If you think you are going to fast and there is this look on her face of fear then you are.  Take it slow and become intentional in what you say and do.  Approach matters in conversation with purpose and share in a way that is direct and intentional.  Being intentional means saying and doing things that you know have a positive intention.  Stay clear of agendas and stay clear of having the purpose to score with her but rather understand that she is intentional and pay attention to her thoughts and movements.

There you have it my brothers.  Act like a man and think like a woman.  Act like a man and think about how a woman wants you to be with them.  Act like a real man and respect women.  Act like a man and above all know what a woman likes, not just for a time, but always.


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