Prviledged Killer Is Forgiven: The Shocking Truth!

It is difficult for me to feel any compassion for a privileged white, blond, blue eyed boy from a wealthy family who killed a couple for sport.  As if this were not enough the woman who was killed was pregnant and this teenager knew this.  At the side of her husband on the rug there was a heart and a letter U representing the very last thing she felt for him: "Love You".  I cannot help but to think that as a man of color, men of color are much too often assumed to be capable of doing bad things while on the other hand a boy like David who killed this couple in order to feel what that would be like is not a person who would be suspected of doing bad.  In reality what we know is that killers come in all shapes, sizes and ethnicity's and that serial killers are usually not men of color but in fact white men.  But that is only a part of the purpose and intention inside of me for the people reading this blog.  What I have to share goes much deeper than race even if this case brought me to visit the notion that men like me are viewed as suspect.

After this killer in the wealthy suburb of Winetka killed this couple the woman's family was featured on a program called Investigation Discovery".  The pain that her sisters and her mother underwent was unimaginable yet one of the sisters decided that she wanted to communicate with the killer and perhaps find closure in that communication.  At first the killer was trite and dismissive but the sister did not give up, visiting him in person, until he realized that the woman whom he killed had value.  Little by little he became remorseful and apologized when at first when arrested he stuck his tongue out to the media and smiled.  To this day, although not all her family agrees with her, she is visiting the killer and finding that for her it has created a form of closure while advocating for him to get a second chance.  Yes, you heard it right, she is advocating for him to be released and not spend the rest of his life in jail.  She has not simply said she forgives him she is literally trying to help him not spend the rest of his life rotting in jail, even though her own mother disagrees with her.

It is interesting to me how many times we hear on the media of some petty crimes by men of color yet we hear very little about the wealthy criminals that are many times featured in shows like ID and others that focus on crimes committed by rich white folks.  Although crime is crime we hear so much more about people of color than we do about privileged white killers.  In fact some of the most infamous killers like Charles Manson and his group and Jim Jones who led a huge group of followers to their death including little innocent children horrific beyond most  criminal acts by any person.  Yet we are still focused on the dangers of the big black man: "the boogie man".

My summation of this privileged white boy and what he did is, even though this woman forgave him, I would likely want him to be held accountable if that girl were my child or sister.  I like to think that I am a spiritual man yet what I understand is that I am a spiritual man who is having a human experience and that this kind of act would be so very hard for me to understand least of all forgive.  I believe in part it is about my being a Latino and randomly targeted by police and by others who still think me to be the big bad wolf and as we know that big bad wolf does not speak Spanish.  I am not the MO of the big bad wolf and yet I have had to live me life trying to convince ignorant people like the ones who live in Witneka and other wealthy areas that I am on the contrary a great man with credentials both book and life focused.  I do not love to share this kind of information about a wealthy priviledged person who killed yet we all know that there are many wealthy privileged people who are bullies (Donald Trump is a great example) who do not fit that box I am placed in.  I think that many times they are given a pass and have gotten away with commiting crimes because they can afford the best representation.

I will share this briefly with everyone because Ii think it pertinent.  My neighbor next door had not said boo to me even though he has seen me on my deck many times.  His children did not say hello or so much as look my way.  His wife had been polite and if I said good afternoon she responded.  Recently I decided to have a party and invite them and the other neighbors very close to me.  I devised an impeccable invitation using my own stationary with my name on the outside and beautiful chocolate foil paper inside the envelope.  I inserted my business card that states "Spiritual Life Coach".  Inside of me I was checking in because I felt like I was being naughty because clearly  a gorgeous invitation of this kind with a business card that states: "Elliott Collazo, MA: Spiritual Psychology".  Just as I thought one neighbor emailed me to decline in a very polite response sighting her son's wedding out of town.  But for me the best reaction was that the man next door saw me get in my care with my nephew and waved at me.  The big ad wolf suddenly became the OK neighbor because now we can relax and know he's not a Spanish speaking crazy man who is living alone next door.  There is a part of me that cannot help being happy and laughing inside yet the major part of me knows that we have a long way to go with our false perceptions and forgiveness.


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