Five Things You Should Know About Life

I am not sure about anyone else but I am sure that life is not always the way  we would like it to be and things happen that are not in our control.  As I have become more seasoned at sixty two years young what I know for sure is that life had dark and light parts and that if we can stay present it is possible to be happy.  At the core of living life is knowing that time passes quite quickly and that making the most of it is truly imperative.

Here are the five things about life:

1.  Life is not always fair: 
The reality is that life is sometimes not fair.  People will treat us poorly and walk away and we will meet people who seem not to have a heart for anything or for us.  We will see injustice and we may experience it at the hands of people we think we could trust.  We will be betrayed and name called.  We will be labeled and feel pain, at times brought on to us by someone who was suppose to love us.  It would be beautiful to think that we will live our entire life without something unfair happening to us yet in reality because we are flawed we must understand that life is at times not just.  At the core of living though it is forgiveness.  Yes forgiveness.

2. Life is darkness and light: 
I will never forget when a young therapist said to me in a sarcastic tone: " I know you embrace your dark side Elliott".  I knew what this meant and was shocked that he would make light of my belief that we all have a dark and light side.  I simply had stated that I don't fear that dark side and that in fact I accept it.  Life is dark and light and I still honor that truth inside of me.  We must accept that because by not doing so we deny our own human flaws.  No one is perfect and for this reason we are all darkness and light and so is life.  The moment we accept it we can live a life that is authentic and that understands and has compassion around those dark moments.

3. Life Is The Now: 
I love the book "Living In The Now" because there is so much truth in this way of living.  When we live in the now we live fully because we are neither stuck in the past or wondering about the future.  When we live in the moment we live fully becasue we get to be present and enjoy that which we are living.  It is so simple yet so hard to do.  It is so simple yes, but in fact necessary to truly living.

4. We Cannot Control Life:
There are people who control others because it is what they know.  Fear and insecurity makes us controlling.  Hate makes us act bullies towards others.  Illness of he mind makes us think we can control what happens in life.  For many of us that means living in an illusion and believing that anything that does not align itself with what we want is not happening.  We live in this dream that we can control life and the truth is we cannot.  In fact there is little that we are in control of and one of them is death.

5.  Life will end, it is short, we don't know when: 
We all know we will all come to an end as we know ourselves.   Perhaps we will come back but we will die first.  Life is short and our life will end as we know it.  It is much faster than we think and in some cases brutality fast, yet if we live in the moment and in our authentic skin we will experience a life that is full no matter how long or how short.  What matters is that we live it fully.

I like to think that there is an after life.  I see this place where we live eternally and I think some of us are going to or have lived more than one identity.  Perhaps I am a hopeless hopeful romantic about life.  Yet it is my dream that life will go on for me in a different form.  I think we will all know the elation of taking a journey to the heavens and meeting up with all the ones we love.  A place where there is nothing but love and compassion and joy.


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