Single and Happy

These days my response to people who introduce me to their spouse is "I am happily single".  I try to let others know that not only can a single man of 62 be happy, he can be very happy.  Of course there are ways that one can cultivate ones own relationship with yourself and these are some of them:

1. Go out alone: 
Don't be afraid to do things by yourself.  When you are single there will be times when no one is available to go out with and so one has to get use to going it alone.  Go out to dinner alone, go to the movies, check out the latest art exhibit at the Art Institute and take advantage of the free stuff in Universities near you.  Going out alone can be just as fun as being with friends and after a while you will find that there are times you would rather be alone.  I for one have taken most of my vacations solo and had a complete blast.

2. Love yourself and your body: 
When we are single it is an ideal situation for working out and exercising your body.  By keeping yourself fit you are saying yes and I love you to your inner spirit and your physical being.  Doing all that you can do to stay healthy and active is sending a message to your self that you are important and that you matter.  When there is no one there to say this to you saying it to yourself is truly important and an essential part of being happy with you and only you can accomplish that for you.

3. Keep an open heart and mind: 
Being single can produce so many adventures in our life, but we must be intentional in maintaining and open hear and mind.  When we do this we are in a place of confidence knowing that there are many good people in the world that can contribute to the moment.  By being spontaneous and intentionally striking up a conversation with others we enjoy people while at the same time enjoying our own good company.  Keeping our hearts open allows others to approach us and allows us to live a full life as a single person.

4. Look at it as an asset and not...:
Look at being single as an asset and not a flaw.  We get so many messages that being single is odd and sometimes others believe there must be something wrong with us.  There is nothing wrong with you and being single is a wonderful thing.  The perks are that you don't have to worry about getting someone else's approval or deal with their mood swings or wait for them to be ready.  When you are single you do what you want, when you like and at your own pace.  That is a wonderful thing.  Being single is an asset in those ways and more.

5. Embrace and celebrate your single status: 
Be proud and embrace the fact that you are single.  It is great that you can be alone and not need to be with someone else to enjoy your life.  Being single is something to celebrate each day knowing that there is a world out there to experience and enjoy.  Volunteer at an animal shelter or a senior home.  Run about your home naked.  Dance alone and sing in the shower to Madonna.  Cuddle up on your deck with a good book.  Celebrate your birthday all month long.  Buy yourself a gift for no reason.  Get a dozen of your favorite flowers on the way home from work.  Take a selfie and post it.  Take a break from dating.

I may have the happiest single daughter ever and as a woman and a person she is constantly celebrating who she is.  She takes a lot of selfies and shares her thoughts on FB and is always out there enjoying her life.  She will be a mom in December and although it may slow her down a little at first I can so see her traveling with her baby anywhere she goes.  She has great friends and she has good boundaries.  She does not apologize for anything and she is not afraid to start a conversation with strangers.  She has been this way all of her life and more so now at 32 years young.  I have learned from her not to wait for anyone to go and have some fun or have a great dinner.  She goes it alone and has for many years.  I think that she is a wonderful example of what single women can do to live a life that is independent and magical without a partner or husband.  Being single is not always joyful yet we know that being married or partnered is not always peaches and cream.  In fact for some being married is a daily pain and in some cases abusive and dark.  At least when we are alone we determine our own fate and we get to do what we need to do to be our highest self.  I can honestly say that now there are likely more times when I enjoy my own company than I am with someone else.  Although I love my friends and family also love my own time.  I am single and happy.  You?


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