Stopping Aging

People often ask me how I "stay young".  When others guess my age they usually guess at about ten years younger than I am.  One day while at the beach with my grandkids one of them addressed me as grandpa.  A man a few feet away looked over at us and smiled.  Once again they addressed me when suddenly he got up from his place at the beach and said: "Excuse me, I hope you don't think this strange but did I hear them call you grandpa?"  He could not believe I was their grandparent and assumed I was the dad.  On another more strange situation I went to the bank with my daughter and the teller thought her to be my wife.  I was mortified of course and so was my daughter.  Although I have been blessed I never take it for granted.  I know that I have lived my life in a rather intentional manner and I also know that these intentions helped me to stay looking better, getting through the rough times and feeling pretty good.  Here are my "secrets":

1. Never use the word old
2. Keep moving
3. Dress it up 
4. Moisturize
5. Exercise 
6. Don't give up 
7. Live with intention 
8. Feed your spirit 

I don't use the word old in reference to anyone least of all me.  I refuse to be that "old man" over there.  I will say to people who ask me that I am 62 years young because frankly I have not caught up to the chronological number 62.  I probably never will catch up to that marker others call age.  I just refuse to be "old" and so I look as I feel.

Needless to say becoming immobile is like asking to die.  I keep moving and shaking it up.  I love to go out to a nice party, a great place to eat or just a bike ride.  It is that easy.  If you keep moving you will feel like a "rock star".  In fact the other day a gentleman asked me if I was an actor because as people passed by me they stopped to say hello.  That does not make me a star but in my life staying mobile and meeting people is part of living a good life.  That good life will show on our faces.

I love nice clothes and great fabrics.  I am attached to tropical weight wool, linen, cotton and merino wools.  I also love nice shoes.  I learned this in part from working in a wealthy suburb of Skokie at Macy's when I was very young.  The women would always be decked out and the men looked sharp all the time in this area of Chicago.  This was my affirmation that I was on the right path.  Keeping ourselves sharp is part of looking awesome versus OK.

Lack of moisture is our enemy so staying hydrated is very important.  There are a lot of products for men and many are wonderful.  For many years I used Oil of Olay and now use another product.  The best thing to do is to ask at a Walgreens or inexpensive store about their products and your skin match. Moisturizing keeps your skin looking it's best.

Exercise is easy if you commit to some each day.  That is it in a nutshell.  If you can afford a trainer to learn how to do it right that is a great investment.  Even 30 minutes of exercise is sufficient to look great.  Just do it.

Don't give up on yourself no matter what happens or what others think.  Keep trying and keep giving it your all.

When you live with intention you do things knowing that it is the best thing to do.  When you live with intention you know what things you should not do.  Living with intention is living with a keen mind set all the time, every day, every way.  Living life like you own it helps in many ways to keep you looking wonderful and feeling emotionally great.  When you feel good it shows on the outside.

I am spiritual being.  I love myself and own my spiritual belief.  I don't make excuses or try to sugar coat that.  I believe in a higher power who gave us life and all that surrounds us.  When we have a deep belief about life and faith in ourselves and spirit we live happy and we look it.  Our spiritual being is the deepest part of who we are.



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