How To Never Give Up

I know and others that know me know that I have undergone a hell of a lot in my life.  I could go on and on abut it but what I know is that my past is my past and that this is a new day.  Every day that I live I know it is meant for me to be here.  Even the fact that my former wife and good friend died before me is a clear message that I am suppose to be here.  After all I knew that I would die before her but that was not to be the truth of my life.  At the core of every moment that I live fully is one very sharp truth about me: I refuse to give up.  I will never give up as long as I have a breath in my body.  There you have it.

I believe that not giving up is at the center of our living a life that is full and joyous.  I think that making that one decision not to give in is at the very heart of why many people live longer and many others survive things they never thought they would.  I know this truth and there are many others who do as well.  What we think we would not be able to overcome in life we do and we end up knowing just how well we are made and just how much we can do.  Nothing teaches us better how to survive than the dark things that will happen to each of us.  Not one of us is void of it.  Not one of us will get away with just living and doing very little of substance and live fully.  We must be willing to take chances and to know that no matter what happens for us we can address it.

I often think of my sister Dora who committed suicide at about 22 years of age.  She was beautiful and smart yet she longed for acceptance from the time I can recall it.  She wanted to be loved and liked so much that she would do anything to get it.  She was giving to a fault but also because she wanted others to like and accept her.  IN the end she met a guy and became pregnant in her teens.  From that juncture on she was trapped in an abusive relationship that in part led her to kill herself at the end of a gun to her head.  What I know now is that she gave up.  She could not see that light that communicated that she not give up and the giving up meant her death.

When we give up we are in a dangerous zone in our life.  When we give up we lose who we are and we become a target to people who are looking to use someone.  When we give up we steal our own joy and the possibility that we can live in a way that is complete, whole, reverent and kind.  Never giving up is a decision we make and we do so because we either run into a wall or we know that there is a way out.  We continue to chose life over death when we say yes even in the dark moments that we will all know.  The difference is really just our perception of what is going on with our life.  When we see our life as a glass half full then we are in a place where anything can be overcome.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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