10 Sexiest Things Men Can Do To....

There are literally hundreds of things men can do to be sexy.  In one study women sighted that a man's way of  licking his lips is sexy.  Having worked mainly with woman in my coaching work I have heard a number of things that they women have shared are alluring and sexy in men.  Here are some ideas for my amigos out there looking to not just be pleased by their lady but also to please her:

1.  Do some housework in an apron: 
Yes, the key element here is the apron.  If it is her apron that would work but maybe consider a new cool one that says something witty.  There are a lot of colors but think about the one she likes on you and get that one.  Women have shared that a man doing housework is sexy and if you just happen to lose the shirt even better.

2.  Wear sexy new underwear: Jump right out of the shower and into some knit boxer briefs in her fave color or a pattern that is cool.  The trick here is to look casual as if you'd not intended to look all enticing.  Go ahead and drop a few bucks on some Klein or Armani underwear at Marshall's.

3.  Put on a crisp white shirt, a suit, a tie and some new shoes: This is about looking your best.
I know for sure that women "love a man in a suit".  Surprise her by going out and buying a well fitting suit and accessories.  If you are unsure of the fit, closer is better these days.  Don't be scared to go with a modern fit and let that shirt hug your chest.  Be your own brand of Brando.

4. Dance with her: 
Most women love a guy who can dance.  Even if you have never danced with her take a few lessons and take her out or dance with her in the living room.  Add some sweet music with a love message and you are suddenly the sexiest guy alive.

5. Draw her a bubble bath (her fragrance) with a scented candle: 
Get the best bubble bath or bath salt that is a nicer quality and prepare a bath for her.  The best time is right when she is getting home from work or just before her usual bedtime.  Actually, there is no best time but the timing needs to be right.  She may invite you in but the best part for her will be if you ask her questions and listen.  Add some soft melodic music and suddenly you are a rock star husband.

6. Make her laugh: 
Hundreds of not thousands of women say that they love it when men make them laugh and who are we to question it?  Do or say something silly that you think might elicit laughter from your dearest friend, your wife, your girlfriend.

7. Come home from work with a rose in your mouth:
The key here is to eventually put the rose in your mouth.  The message here is clearly that you love her but also that you want to be sexy for her in a similar way that you want her to be that sexy lady for you.   Make sure that the rose is fresh and watch out for the thorns.  Place it in a bud vase next to the bed and then make your move.

8.  Read a poem to her in bed: 
You don't have to be an actor to read your beloved a poem.  Pick one that you think she'd love and expresses how much you honor her.  Once you are settled in and set the lighting up, tell her you have something to share with her.

9.  Arrange to make a candlelight dinner for her: Whether you make the food or you order out, arrange a night for a candlelight dinner at home for her.  There are great ready made meals at places like Whole Foods and Trader Joe's.  Pull out the fine china and clear containers and tea lights.

10.  Make her the center of attention: 
Whether it's a party or a big gala put the attention on her the whole night.  Look at the other guests and say something like: "doesn't my wife look beautiful?"  It is OK to brag on your wife and stand behind her so that she is the featured person and not you.


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