4 Good Reasons to Cry

Today my brother and a friend of his came by.  I had left the front door open for them to come in as I had decided to take a shower and listen to some soft music.  Today was the day I needed to change my colostomy bag and this is sometimes an emotional time for me.  It is when I get to see my wounds and it sometimes feels like it's in my face.  I feel hurt, injured and somewhat incomplete.  I feel like I am not whole in fact I feel incomplete and broken, like no one will ever want me, knowing fully that the only person that needs to want me is God and the others, the people that love me.  I started to sob and it felt like my world was unraveling.  By this time my brother was in the house as I left the front door open.  I came out of the room crying, really sobbing like a baby.  My brother came upstairs he held me.  I don't recall the last time that my brother held me.  He kept holding me and telling me I was going to be OK.  I yelped like a wounded dog at this point feeling safe and loved by someone who truly felt my pain.  Once I was finished emoting I felt much better.  We had a lovely dinner and dessert with coffee.  All was well again.  There was a time when I could not emote.  A time when I was made to feel as though something was wrong with crying.  A time when I was with someone who did not only not understand the tears but ridiculed me indirectly, with absolutely no awareness around the manner with which he treated my feelings.  Today I know that emoting around people who don't get it is a big mistake and that doing so when we are feeling safe is healing and fights the darkness within.

There are Four Good Reasons to Cry:

1.  Crying lets the deepest feelings out of you and you feel better afterwards because you have allowed yourself to let go of those deep feelings of anger, fear, sorrow or resentment.  It helps us to release that pent up emotion giving us permission to let it out and let it go.  Once the feelings come out we feel the tension leave our body and we feel the anxiety melt away.
2.  Holdiing feelings of hurt or sorrow in is toxic.  When you let them out the toxicity leaves your body.  Holding emotions in makes us sick and it manifests illness in many different forms including my cancer and a lot of other illnesses including mental illness.  It is a good reason to cry and the best one when you think about the harm that it does not to.  Every time we hold in our emotions we are stuffing things down and that build up does not go away but rather gets worse every time you chose not to honor your deepest feelings.  Emotion is natural.
3.  The option between emoting and hurting ourselves or someone else should be the best reason to let the tears flow.  If we don't cry we might die.  So many people have held all their emotions in and ended up dead at their own hand.  My own sister who committed suicide presented a happy face all the time.  No one would have imagined that holding all those feelings in would result in a bullet to the head.  A great reason to cry is so that your chances of hurting your self are reduced at the very least.  Holding in the emotions could easily result in death.  That is a wonderful reason why we should go on ahead and cry all the tears we need to cry, letting the fear and the hate and the loss out of our hearts and into spirit's hands.
4.  Crying is natural.  We need to sometimes let our feelings out.  It is the natural way to release.  It is a natural chill pill.  It is a natural way to feel more centered and to flow better once you have released what you don't need to carry around.  Carrying stuff around forever is the least natural way to deal with our issues.  Acting as though nothing has happened and holding it in is the least natural thing to do for any human being.  We have feelings and they must come out, naturally and in a way that is not shaming.  The best reason to cry is because we can and the reason we can is because it is the right thing to do.  It feels good afterwards and that's simply because it's natural to cry.  Feeling like we cannot cry is not natural.  Feeling like we can is a beautiful and natural expression.  Why cry?  Because it is natural and it makes sense.

So there you have it.  Four good reasons to cry.  I would say that the best reason is because it is toxic not to cry and hold in the feelings what we naturally need to let out.  Feelings of desperation and hopelessness seem to disappear when we cry.  So the next time you feel like crying go right for it.  Don't be humiliated into believing that there is something wrong with you or that crying is weak or sissy like.  Cry and let those feelings out.  Cry until you feel lighter and healed.  Cry until you love yourself more and there is a lightness in your heart.


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