How to be Happier

I believe that since I have been on both ends of the spectrum, very happy and very sad that I might be able to share some wise tips on how to be a happier person.  I won't say that I am an expert on happy but I will say that even in the darkest of times I have been able to find my happy place.  So without further delay I would like to share the things that I feel are ways to be happier and simply ways to get your happy on.

Don't Watch Too Much TV:
I truly understand that for me too much TV has a negative impact on my happy meter.  With so many shows about true to life murder, kidnappings and stalkings I really think TV can steal our joy and do so very quickly.  The commercials are the worse because in these commercials often times everyone is pretty, young, muscular and have hair with zero split ends.  Oh yes, and they have the whitest teeth ever in the world.  There is so much on TV that is gossip oriented, caddy and even mean spirited.  Then there are reality shows where women slap each other on occasion and turn tables over at a wedding reception.  In these shows there are times when every other word is bleeped because it is a profane one.  Nothing is more depressing than the guy in the commercial with the speedo trunks, incredible tan and muscular body selling that fragrance.  You all know who that is.  TV has so little of a positive nature that limiting TV will immediately help your happiness rise by at least ten points.  I have literally done this for a day and felt something lifted off my shoulders.  By the end of the day I feel great because I have done so many good things for myself in the time that I used to watch TV.  Whether it is political antics being revealed or high end style TV serves to make us feel insecure enough to believe we need a certain product or designer label to be happy.  In the end all the talk about material things and pretty people flashing across the screen only serves to bring us down.  By limiting or eliminating TV we serve ourselves better and do things that will benefit us more.  Turn off the TV and turn on the joyful activities.

Do Things For You:
Engage yourself in things for you.  Do things for yourself that are nice, creative or that just make you happy.  Whether it is reading a book or taking a class spend more of your time doing loving things for yourself in the form of activities.  You will be a much happier person when you do things for yourself that are fun, kind, interesting or a learning experience.  Do at least one thing a day that is nice for you in the same way that you would do it for others you love.  Find that one thing a day that is going to ignite the happy meter inside of you and do it.

Force the Laughter Out of You:
Devise ways to make yourself laugh and force the laughter out of you.  Lay down and laugh even if you are not feeling like anything is funny.  Just force it out.  Laugh until you are laughing at yourself and for no reason but just to laugh.  Laughter makes us happy.  For some of us watching a funny clip on Utube words while for others it is playing with our kids who often times do funny things to make us laugh.  Put yourself in situations of laughter.  Tell a joke to someone, even a stranger that you started a conversation with.  Call a friend or parent and tell them a joke.  Call someone and ask them to tell you a funny joke.  Read jokes online.  Get a joke book and read one a day.  Get yourself to laugh and to laugh as often as possible.  Again, at least once a day do, day or get some laughter in.

Lose the "Debbie Downers":
It is hard for me to say this because for years I have stayed in relationships with people who are downers.  In one such relationship I actually stayed friends with the person for 15 years and ninety percent of the time whatever came out of her mouth was negative or depressing or sad.  Then I stayed in another one for over ten years and it was similar in that there was just not any laughter shared.  He or she was not funny and most of the time took themselves so serious that my teeth hurt.  If there are people in your life that are "downers" it is time to clean house.  Say goodbye, stop the communication and walk out of those relationships, even if they are related to you and especially if their effect on you is serious.  It is sad to say but people do effect our karma and those people who are unwilling to change will continue to burden us with their burdens.  People can bring you down and even when you love someone it is sometimes necessary to let go.  The hardest part of toxic relationships is letting go but once you do you will begin to feel something lifted and the light coming through because you have decided to make your mental health and joy first.

I wish you all the very best.  I wish each of you the most joy you can create for yourself by letting go of the things that bring your down and activating the things that lift you up.


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