Only Love is Real, Hate is an Illusion

Every day I have to remember that the hateful things people do and try to do to us are an illusion and have NO power.  Only love has power because love is our reality, what we were born naturally to share and be.  We are born to be in a place of love not of hate.  This is why hate is fake and all we need to do is ignore it, let it pass us by.  The beauty is that when we wait long enough we will overcome any hateful energy because it is so weak.  Love is the strongest emotion.  Love is powerful when we share it and we stay inside of it.

The trick is not to allow hate inside.  When you feel or see hate we must remember that hate has no power and hate cannot control us unless we believe it to be important and worthy of our time and energy.  People will test us and it will happen on and off all the time.  People will try to hurt us but we must know that it is not possible to stay hurt.  When we live in a loving place we don't have to worry about being swayed in any other direction.  When we don't allow hate to go inside our head or our hearts we will always be free of it.

When you and I were born we did not yearn to be pushed away or put down and not held.  What we responded to was love and every time we were loved we responded right away to it, very early on smiling and laughing.  Babies are all about love and it shows in everything they do and in how they respond.  That is how we know we were born in love and that love is our reality.  It is beautiful to see how babies giggle and squirm when they are kissed, hugged and tickled.  Babies reflect love to us and let us know that love is the answer.  Hate is what we learn from the poor behaviors of others and from the experiences of being treated badly.

Love is what we must focus and place our energy into.  Love is what we must know is right for us.  Love is how we must respond and treat others daily.  The more we practice loving actions the more love will come back to us.  When we love we are in our natural place of being.  When we love we are in our best place essence and nothing can harm us.  Love is the answer and love is who we really are.
Elliott Collazo Gonzalez


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