Ageless: Defying Age

There are a lot of creams and lotions that are labeled as "age defying".  Since I am not a cosmetologist I won't be talking about any age defying products.  The products that I have used on my face and body have been varied but there is one that I love the most and makes the most sense to me: olive oil.  Besides olive oil there are truly some very natural ways to stay healthy and look great at any age.  I am sixty and although I don't believe in age at all I am convinced that one can stay fabulous at any time of one's life whether you are fifty, sixty, seventy or eighty.  In fact there are a group of women in NYC who were followed around by a photographer all of which were sixty to ninety for a book on style that I have sitting on my cocktail table called yes: "Advanced Style".  This vibrant man decided that he would hit the streets and find the fashionable, hip, cool, chick women of style who were ageless.  There is even a documentary out called "Advanced Style" where he and mostly the women talk about advanced style and how wearing what you want, even things considered over the top or wild is fun and keeps them youthful and engaged in life.  It is not surprising to me that the way we feel about how we look and how we present ourselves makes such a huge difference in our perception of what is beauty.  These women break all the rules wearing everything from African garb and turbans to Indian fabrics wrapped around a pair of jeans.  Some are still wearing high heel boots and belts with studs on them.   Nothing is ruled out and nothing is taboo.

When being ageless like these women and me there are NO rules.  I wear a colorful floral scarf with a t-shirt or a pair of skinny jeans with a white French cuff shirt and Gucci cuff links.  Nothing is left to chance and I have to say I am so happy for stores like: H&M, Top Man and Zara for their affordable sense of style and accessories for men.  They all give men a platform and permission to decorate them selves as much as they liked by providing scarfs, hats, bracelets and necklaces as well as pants with floral patterns that knock people's socks off.  One such tropical short short in pale yellow with flowers was my go to pair of shorts for art fairs and outdoor events.  Every time I wore them compliments were abundant.  What I will say here and now is that we must be in our bold self confidence to wear particularly sassy clothing like floral shorts and a tie dyed knotted scarf around our necks.  Men especially have a journey to go on where even slip on shoes without socks is a bold move for us.  Me, I am not the least bit scared to throw on a garnet necklace I have with a sterling silver elephant pendant, twisted around my neck two times with a white t-shirt and jeans.  As men we feel like we are not allowed to decorate our bodies but that is the furthest thing from the truth.  We can and should decorate our selves and look as smart as we possibly can.

I just men a lovely man who I am not sure how old he is.  When I first met him I thought he looked to be about fifty for so.  I found him to be a good looking person yet not particulaarly shiny as I sometimes refer to people I like a lot and that their personality shines at me.  I met him on Wednesday and by Sunday, four days later I was looking at him and thinking, OMG what a handsome man, he is really beautiful.  Nothing changed necessarily but everything changed all at once.  He started this dialog that was loving and compassionate, exciting and playful.  I suddenly saw his little boy inside jump out as he became more and more playful.  Suddenly I could not resist but to tell him how beautiful he looked, because he did.  What changed was that his child like youthful spirit came forward and he started to shine like a shiny new toy.  He looked more vibrant because now his youthful spirit was coming forward and brightly.  When people go to this vibrancy they become ageless and not only did he not look fifty he looked as though he was 35 or 40.  In the end it does not make any difference to me yet what I know is that our spirit shining through is what makes us look ever more beautiful.  It is how we move and how we express that is most meaningful and not how old we are or how many toys we own.  It is all about that shimmer inside our soul that comes up to play.  That is what defies age and makes us ageless.

Tomorrow I am meeting a friend for lunch in a place in Venice California that is vegan inspired.  This is one of those women that defy age because she has the spirit of a girl.  She smiles all the time and walks with a certain pep in her step.  She moves around like a gazelle and her beauty is exotic and yet simple and pure, usually robed in garments that are cotton and flowing.  She loves white and often times wears something white.  If it is sunny she will likely have some sandals on in a natural color.  Her presentation is timeless and easy and breezy like her personality and her art.  An artist she dedicates her life to creating beautiful glass objects and ornamental pieces.  If I were a photographer I would feature her in the next Gap, World Market or Banana Republic  ad.  She is that woman who walks into a room and those of us who love a really real woman follow her all the way to her table.  She is timless and she is ageless and what makes her that is everything she is.  Natural, confident, loving, kind, lovely and occassionally sassy she like many other women like her tell us all that the depiction of women in magazines is simply a false image having nothing to do with reality.  She is that timeless and ageless girl who I have been talking about for a long time and that most of us notice in passing and don't realize how her energy impacts us all.  She like many women like her are legends and they derive their beauty from embracing who they are now and not who they were or what the billboards are showing.

There is not age.  We are ageless and timeless.  We are worthy and worthwhile at any phase in our life.  We are a genuine reflection of love without a tag that says we are due for anything other than more joy.


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