Never Setttle

I have a daughter who is 31, beautiful and smart who has a great sense of herself and a good sense of humor.  She enjoys her life and along the way she has met a few frogs.  Some more prince like than others, all not the one.  In most cases she has not introduced me to men she meets knowing fully that it takes time to get to know a man that she would bother introducing to your very tight and loving family unit.  Sometimes I simply wish that prince charming would come along, she would fall in love and live happily ever after but what I am reminded of is that there is no such thing.  In fact the person that most often reminds me is her.  As she continues to live a lively life and a happy one she realizes more than I do that one should not settle and she has not.  A lot of people do settle and I contend that this is the biggest error we can make, believing that no one better is going to come along or staying with someone we know must not really love us because they don't honor us, protect us or see us.  When we settle we end up settling for years and eventually it has to end because from the start we settled for someone we knew was not aligned with our thinking or our feelings about life and love.  When we settle we end up miserable and sad and we often get stuck on a roller coaster we cannot seem to get off of because we went to fast and now it seems too late.

Settling for someone who does not have the same beliefs and morals as us is the most common mistake.  We don't ask and we don't see the commonality and we just ignore the fact that we are not aligned with the core characteristics and life plan.  We don't believe in the same things and we don't have anything in common.  When we see that difference it is the best time to politely walk away and help ourselves become open to a person who is aligned with our thinking and our core spirit.  Settling often times leads to years of falsely thinking that the person we are with will change and come around to thinking as we do about the important things in life like monogamy or open relationship.  If it is not the truth from the start then it is better to part early on.

We settle because we think we don't deserve better.  Working on our self-esteem and doing our deep source work will help us to make a better decision and take our time making it.  We settle when we are not completely in love with who we are and believe we are beautiful and worthy of love and protection and harmony.  Working on our self esteem will help us not to settle for the first person who selects us or that comes along that is willing to share our bed or home with us.

We settle because we feel desperate.  We have been single for a long time and we think that the clock is ticking, especially if we are a female and want to have children.  We settle because we have been single and lonely for a long time without a plan and without involving ourselves enough in our own things and our own interests.  We think that we will travel when we get married or we will buy a home once we are married or we will be less lonely when we find someone to share our life with yet loneliness is not contingent on whether we have someone in our life, in our home or in our bed.  Lonliness comes from inside of us and is a lack of doing the things we should be doing without being stuck on waiting for that "someday" thinking to come about.  So many of us think that someday we will be complete and happy and that this day will be the day we "fall in love".  The truth is that we have to be in love with our self before we will truly be complete and joyous in life.

Being alone is better than being ill accompanied my grandmother said.  She said this to me over and over again yet I admit that I did not heed her advise or truly listen to the lesson.  I was with many people who were bad company and who not only were bad company but also mistreated me.  I allowed it so I have no one to blame but myself however I still find it sad that people took so much and gave so little in return.  We must believe with all our hearts that being alone is better than being with the wrong person.  The person who does not see us, who does no honor us and who will not protect us.  We are delusional to think that bad company is better than being alone because in our society people who are single are looked upon with suspicion as though something is wrong with us.  We begin to buy into the notion that something is wrong with us and so we take what we get even if it's stupid, unkind and has not common sense.  Even if their mother treats us like a pig.  We settle for bad company because we just don't want to be alone and because being alone is so painful.  It requires that we look inside and that we go deeply into the value of who we are without being married to someone.

Never settle!  Never ever settle!  Be like my butterfly daughter and enjoy the ride and in the meantime if someone comes along give them a try to see if they fit.  If not put on your finest dress and take yourself out to eat.


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