How to Keep Moving

There are a number of reasons why we should keep moving but the one good reason is that we not become stagnant and frozen to the degree that we begin to feel lonely, alone and emotionally ill.  I believe that emotional illness comes from the lack of movement and how we move and when is important, especially when we are depressed or in the darkest part of our minds.  How we move is how we navigate in life and how we move is going to make a difference in the quality of  our life.  Moving is as essential as eating and as basic as walking.

Here are some truly easy ways to ensure that you keep moving and don't stop moving for too long a period of time, so long that you end up stuck in the immobile practice and so stuck you become accepting of it.

Walking outside is one of the best ways to ensure that you are not stagnant and that your body is moving.  At the very same time you are getting some exercise in, especially if you walk briskly.  Even if you are in a climate that is colder you can still wrap yourself up in a hat, coat, scarf and gloves and take a nice quick walk around the block.  Get some air each day and you will find that your body responds beautifully and thankfully.  Keep moving while praying and looking around you at the fantastic things that are part of your environment like beautiful trees or flowers or even the snow.  As long as you are moving you are living.

Consider dancing once in a while, maybe once a week.  Go our dancing or dance at home.  Dancing is a way to keep the body moving and happy to be alive.  Dance to music that inspires you whether it is slow or fast, world music or rock and roll.  Find a beat that suits you and just dance like you don't care and are free of any inhibitions inside your soul.  Dance in celebration that you are alive and dance as if no one is watching.  Dance free style whether you believe you are a dancer or not.  You don't have to be a dancer to dance and dancing is simply movement in any way you deem it.  Sway, jump, twirl around or devise a step that feels pretty and fun.  Just dance.

Exercise or Yoga:
Do a form of exercise, any kind of exercise like bike riding or yoga.  Try different types of activities like racket ball or tennis.  Try basketball or give other things a chance until you find a form of exercise that pleases you.  Exercise of any type keeps you moving and besides dancing and walking there are many forms of exercise like lifting weights.  Keep your body strong in any way you can even if that means light swimming or exercising in a chair.  Do the most you can and don't worry that you don't do it perfectly, just be consistent.

Take Yourself Out:
Go to a movie or dinner.  Take yourself out on a date.  Go to the stores to shop for a little items like a pair of socks or some lounge wear.  Take yourself out to a cafe for coffee and dessert and take your iPad or journal along.  Go to the library and watch a movie or read parts of books.  Go to the the nearest park district and take a swim in their pool.  It is usually cheap and a lot of fun.  There is no limit to the things you could be doing to treat yourself.  Visiting friends, taking a road trip, visiting family or going to church.  Use your imagination and go deep.  There are many things you can do to take yourself out on a date.

Go to the Nearest Park:
Get on the big swings in the park.  Be like a child.  Swing as high as you can and even consider jumping off the swing once you are at a place where you can safely do that.  Talk and joke with the children in the park.  I use to love going to the park at night when I could be along and play without feeling like anyone was watching me or judging me for going into my child like spirit.  I also loved going during the day with my kids and swinging along side them.  When we are like kids we are moving in a way that is fun and brings us back to that joyful youthful place.  It's a ton of fun.

I would love to hear how you keep moving and grooving.  Go to the comments session and share your short summary of how you move and groove.


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