Why Be Single?

I have recently gotten a few tests related to being single and getting involved with someones.  Note the S at the end of someone.  I feel like I am being tested knowing fully that I don't need to get involved with anyone intimately until I am feeling healed and complete on my own and I am not talking about sex.  In fact that part of it is even more a NO for me right now.  I not only am not interested I am asking my Source to give me the will not to get involved with anyone for at least a year and a half.  What I know is that being single is the very best thing for me right now just as it would be for many of us.  Unfortunately this is when we get tested and suddenly the old flames start calling and asking if you would like to start over where you ended.  NOT a good idea.  Being single is the best thing we can be when we are unhealed and simply not completely detached from the situation we were in before.  I say situation but some may call that a relationship.  I don't use that term because in my case if was a "situation" more than a relationship with a person who was emotionally cut off and completely untreated, not to mention denial.  Please don't get me wrong, I did care about that person and I did everything I could to be a good partner.  It is just that in the end I knew for many years how wrong the situation was for me and hung on.  If I get into another relationship now with people who seem to be offering it will surely fail and for good reason.  I need to be single and stay that way for a while.  I have self-loving work to do and self-healing to do.  Lots of it.  This of course does not mean that we cannot have loved the person we were with nor does it mean that I did not love the person I was with.  It only means that today I realize the importance of loving myself and spending time with myself and growing by myself.  There are good reasons to be single like:

Being single give us time to heal ourselves and find out what it was that happened in the situation before becoming single.  What are the things that happened and why?  Taking the time to look at the why behind the end of a relationship is important and healing by nurturing our self is equally important.  Getting involved with someone right away is a huge mistake we often make and inevitably we will repeat the same pattern if we get involved too soon.

Being single can be fun so have some fun.  Take the time to do the things you did not do when you were with someone else.  It is the perfect chance to travel and enjoy and great book or take a dance class.  Being single gives you the time to be in your joyful place.  Have some fun.

Being single places us in the position of doing what we want when we want.  This can be very liberating when you don't have to worry about someone else's schedule or their needs.  Take the time to do the things you want to do and sleep as late as you like and drink as many cups of coffee as you like.  Eat the things you like and have dinner whenever you like.  It is such a great time to just feel that freedom of not having to answer to anyone.  I use to go on vacation alone before I became married, when I was married and still do but for many people this is not an option when you are married.  Now you get to do that vacation thing to the destination you want without worrying about anyone disapproving it.  I for one am going to The Hampton's and then to India.  I just got back from California.  Even though I did this all along I am truly taking it to the highest degree now, doing things I want to do more often.

Being single usually means sleeping better.  Sleeping with someone is hard at times.  People snore, they take up a lot of the bed, they jump around too much and the like.  Sleeping alone is a guarantee that you will sleep better.  Count your blessings as this is something we often don't have when in a relationship and have to sleep with someone else.  Look at single life as a time to spread your wings on your bed and feel free to take up the entire bed.  It can be a freeing and great feeling.

Being single means you get to follow your own drummer.  You get to eat the diet you like, buy the foods you feel are good for you and you enjoy.  Being single means that you don't have to worry about what someone else thinks about what you eat and what you get at the grocery store.  In fact if you don't want to have anything in the fridge you can do that too.  Being single makes it so that you can dance to your own beat, listen to your own kind of music and not have to apologize for speaking in tongues if that is what you believe in.

Being single makes it so we don't have to explain anything to another person.  We never have to respond to the questions.  We don't have to answer to anyone at anytime.  Great feeling when you think about it.  No boss like person in your life.  Yeah! Hooray!  Yippee!


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