Ageless Living

By now there must be a few readers convinced that I am obsessed with this idea of being ageless and all the comes with the idea that at any age we are beautiful.  I especially think this when I look around me at others who are obviously younger who look spent and worn and others who are older who look impeccable and sharp.  There is something about looking crisp and sharp at any stage of our life, yet what I think is truly important is how we live.  Do we live a life that honors us or do we live one that is riddled with anxiety and speed?  Do we live a life that is kind and loving or do we live a fast life where we are so busy we cannot think about or make time to tend to our sacred self.  Yes, our sacred self!  We are after all that important and that worth the effort that we should be the first thing we take care of.  I was watching a film on creativity and in it one of the persons shared the importance of honoring our creative source and taking the time to silence our selves in order that we may access that creative part of us.  Living ageless means we are doing what we love to do and tending to our "temple".

When we are in our ageless living we:

Tend to our dreams and desires:
We take the time to do the things we love to do and the things we have always dreamed of doing.  For some of us it is traveling.  For some of us it is dancing.  For others it is writing beautiful poems.  For all of us it is living our dreams and doing most of what we desire.  That is not an easy task however the more you practice it the more it becomes second nature.  Doing as you love to do injects an energy inside of us that keeps us ageless.

Speak our Mind Lovingly:
When we are living in our youthful energy we are honest and speak up when we feel we need to say something whether it is our belief or it is a result of someone hurting our feelings or disrespecting us. Every time we allow abuse of any kind we loose our luster, our shine and our joy, all associated to living stress free and agelessly.  Stuffing our feeling down effects every part of our person including our body.  Say what you need to say in a way that is not just honest but is also kind and emanates calmness.  Speaking our truth will keep us living effortlessly and beautifully because beauty comes from the way we feel inside.

Stay in the Light:
Staying in the light and maintaining our light an easy way to live life happy and whole.  Although we all know there will be dark times it is best not to stay in the dark.  Light begets more light and living in the light with faith and with trust will keep us functioning optimally.  We will feel great and we will look great simply because we follow the light and do all that we can to access light.  Although there are a variety of ways we stay in our light one way is to start our day early, sit or lay down, put on some meditation music or other soft music and remain silent visualizing the light pouring inside our body from the top of our head down to our toes or directly into our heart.  Light promotes ageless living because light eliminates stress.

Surround Yourself With Like Minds:
Be with people who feel like you do about life and ageless living.  Stay clear of the ones who are constantly complaining and finding fault in their life and circumstances.  You know the ones I am talking about.  It is so true that people who live joyful and fun lives are contagious but so are the ones who live in darkness and despair.  Surround yourself with the people who see the glass half full rather than half empty and that still want to play and do the things that keep them youthful and exciting.  My friend called that kind of man "a hip man".  I get that to mean that he is the guy who not only lives ageless he looks it.  He has the knotted scarf around his neck, the fitted jeans and the chocolate brown loafers on without socks.  She like many women are looking for the cool guy that is willing to jump on the trampoline and still gets the concept of child like fun an it's benefits.

Live in a Place that Says You Care:
Create an environment that is one that says you care.  Live in a space that expresses you and your interests.  Hang art that means something to you whether it is modern or traditional.  Buy things that are comfortable if that is what you feel you need and will bring your comfort and joy.  Most of all surround your home with things that are timeless and beatuiful.  There is nothing better that remodeling an outdated kitchen or living area to reflect the times.  It is you putting you inside  place where you feel special and bright and above all shiny.  I especially think that the mastere bedroom should be a haven where when you enter it you are surrounded by tranquil colors and comfortable items.  It must be a place where you have a table where you need it and a lamp where you read.  It is a place where the bedding is naturally like an Egyptian cotton or linen.  I especially say that the coloration of the bedding be light and airy.  I especially love tan with white.  Living in a space you love and that reflects that love will support an ageless and timless feeling.  If you feel great in your environment you will feel great inside as well.  Don't look at your environment as just a place to live which is a house but rather look upon it as a place to thrive in love which I call a home.  That is part of ageless living.

Living agelessly requires some attention to detail and paying attention to detail is a way that we honor our spirit, our body and our mind.  We say yes to a life that really has no age with an attitude that is timeless.


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