4 Ways to Your Happier Life

There are reasons to be sad, remorseful, angry, mournful and resentful.  There are also reasons to be happy and ways to be more happy.  There is a reason that we prefer more happiness and good reasons to find ways that will elevate your joy.  Being happy seems to come natural to some people but as I found out some of that outer joy is not from within because inside there is a sadness and anger that person is hiding.

Understand We All Feel Sadness and: 
The first thing I would like to bring to the light is that everyone has felt sadness or anger or resentment.  No one is happy all the time even though there are ones who may appear to be happy twenty four seven and seven days a week.  The fact is that we are not always in the best place emotionally for many reasons.  A death, a separation, a termination of a job, failing a test or and end of a relationship.  If we accept this fact then we can move up from that place of knowing.  We can feel the sad feelings or the feelings of anger and move to the next level.  Being gentle with ourselves about our sadness or resentment is the first step to healing and becoming a happier person.  Perhaps after anger one can at the very least move on to contentment.  Then from contentment we could move into forgiveness and joy.

Be Forgiving of Others and Yourself: 
You will be a much more enlightened and happy person if you forgive others and yourself for not being perfect of for doing or saying things to yourself that are hurtful.  Negative self talk like "I look like crap" when we look in the mirror will effect our joy.  Another person insulting us in any way, gossiping about us or bullying us will effect our joy.  When we are in a forgiving space we can get back our joy and become a much happier person.  Holding grudges is one sure way to stay angry and steal your own joy.

Write a Gratitude List Daily: 
Daily we awaken and get to chose if we are grateful or ungrateful.  When we get up with gratitude and list our gratitude we hike up our happy state of mind.  Counting our blessings is the same thing as listing our gratitude.  Both are about the things you are grateful for and what we should go over in our mind each day.  When we count our blessings we are counting all that is good and going right in our life.  This helps us to become happier people  Let go of what you don't have and place your focus on what you do have.  The mere fact that you got up this morning is a reason to celebrate.

Attitude of Serving: 
Have an attitude of serving others.  Serving makes most of us happier.  When we take the focus off of our self and place it on those who are in need like the elderly or homeless we become happier folks.  Having an attitude of gratitude is one thing and having one of serving taking it a step further.  We are here to serve not just to take and being happy requires us to give.  When we do nothing but take I think it eventually gets to our heart and we begin to understand that not giving is not fully living.  When we serve we are going full circle and we are living fully.  I highly recommend serving by volunteering and doing small acts of kindness.

Share a Smile or Gesture:
Sharing a smile with another person whether it is your daughter or a stranger in a grocery store elevates your happy meter.  I find that smiling at others and simply being cheerful as you communicate during the course of a day I get more and more joy from it.  The fact that we can spread a little joy so easily will always elevate our happiness.  A nice gesture of any type is helpful.  Shaking someone's hand when you meet them is a gesture that people love and looking at them with a smile on our face at the same time is helpful in spreading the love and the joy that is simple but has a big impact.


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