How to Avoid Assholes

I have been in a place of censoring for a few weeks now but today I am done.  I no longer want to be accepted and loved and honored, I want to fucking be respected.  With the thousands of assholes out there including some of the major  ones I have selected (highly unfortunate) we all need to become more selective and really look closer at men before we get involved with them.  What we all know is that he signs of idiota show up very early into the situation way before it becomes a relationship.  We only pretend to be blind.  We only act as though we cannot see but we see it and we see it vividly.  We stay because we think that we cannot find anything better even when we know what we have is a worthless piece of shit.  Did I say that out loud?  OK, that was a bit too strong so I will apolgize for saying it.  I am at least not naming any names so I should get a pass.  Plus I have cancer and I have plenty of reasons to be pissed, resentful or simply out there.

There are a ton of assholes out there and there are a lot of ways to figure them out:

1.  Assholes are cheap
2.  Assholes are bossy
3.  Assholes are insecure and usually have small penises
4.  Assholes sell you a bunch of lies from the start
5.  Assholes take way more than they give
6.  Assholes ask to be served but do not serve others
7.  Assholes usually brag a lot about everything
8.  Assholes are not romantic or do romantic gestures
9.  Assholes dress horribly but think they look great
10.  Assholes need therapy but instead will work hard to make you think you do

There you have it.  The simple truth about assholes.  They are those men that tell you what you want to hear and then don't produce any of what they say or act as though they will do.  They are usually the ones that don't bring you flowers unless you ask for them or you get upset with them about something.  Assholes never admit they are wrong or apologize.  It is easier for them to blame you.

I have loved assholes for many years of my life, about thirty to be exact.  It makes me an expert on assholes I think.  That is my story and I am sticking to it.  Life is a gamble and we all know we can end up with an asshole at any time but there are ways to avoid assholes and to spend less time and energy with them:

1.  If he seems like an asshole he is, trust your instincts
2.  If someone asks you out and they don't pay for the date, run away fast
3.  IF a guy is dressed poorly for the first date it is a sign that he does not try at other things in life
4.  Go to the person's home as soon as you can and see how they live.  If the tile from the wall in the bathroom is inside the bathtub run, run, run
5.  If you meet his family and they seem like they are cold then don't expect any different from him

There are many things that are good signs as to what to expect but the one thing is to trust your inner voice.  If your inner voice is saying NO then listen and run quickly in the other direction.  Perhaps asshole is a strong word but then again I can think of stronger ones.  I won't use them don't worry.  The point of this blog is so that you save yourself time and anguish and you don't stick around.  Don't believe that someone who is an asshole is going to change because they don't.  Don't believe that you don't deserve the best because you do.  Don't settle for less and know that assholes come a dime a dozen.

Contributed by Maximo Perez


  1. Loved this blog post! I've been randomly reading the whole blog. Awesome information!

    Sorry to hear about your cancer. Sending hugs and best wishes your way.


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