We Are All Connected Because...

We have heard this notion of how we are all connected but most of us are not behaving as though we are.  The more we act as though what we do is separate from what happens in the world of people all around us, the more confused our world becomes.  We go to work each day and encounter the woman who is there stressed out because her husband is abusing her or the other co-worker who is trying to make ends meet raising his children alone because his wife walked out on all of them.  We walk to the bus in the morning on our way to work and we see a woman begging for money with her child sitting next to her.  We see all kinds of pain and need in the world and we do our best to pretend that it has nothing directly to do with us nor that it will effect us.  We pass by people who have fallen and are in such a hurry to get to where we are going that we justify not helping that person.  Some of us can even see a child fall from a playground equipment and behave as though we'd not seen it.

We are uncomfortable with our feelings and we are even more uncomfortable with the notion that we are all related, connected or one.  Often times don't believe that our next door neighbor with cancer is our brother and that we should go and offer to shovel their snow or bring him or her a bowl of soup.  It is too hard to be in our feelings and it is too hard to be responsible for anyone else but us or at least we think that.  In reality it is a false notion we are completely wrong about.  We are all brothers and sisters and we are effected energetically by what happens around us to others and not being involved is simply saying no to mankind and no to compassion and no to a life that should be more filled with hope and courtesy towards our fellow man and woman.  A world where we give to one another and a world where we care what happens to someone else just because they are a human being and deserving of kindness or service.  Our discomfort with our feelings is either a valid reason or an excuse not to stand and be counted.

As I listen to meditation music and write my eyes swell up just thinking about the children we often see on TV late at night who are literally dying of hunger.  My heart opening up at this moment and my mind knowing that I am responsible in part to change this situation that is a world emergency and a world issue.  How do we allow children in the US or abroad die of starvation and illness related to malnutrition?  How do we live with ourselves knowing that if we don't help another child is likely going to die?  How I ask myself do we justify this kind of thing going on around us that is truly just a passive way of living life and us ignoring the need to intervene and participate in the cure.  We can and we should end starvation.  There should never be on child who dies of hunger as long as we have people in the world making six digit incomes and people who are so wealthy they are offering to pay more taxes.  Yet we continue to fail at this idea that we are connected and we continue to fail at the simple acts of kindness and generosity that could save one child.  I realize that even I have failed.

What can we do about the failure to connect?  How can we better connect with others and know we are doing the right thing by making that connection?  I have some simple solutions that I am certain many of you have heard before or thought of but let me just reopen the idea box and bring them to the forefront.

1.  Tell yourself we are all connected every day that you get up.  Remind yourself of this.

2.  Do one thing for someone else that facilitates connection and that is compassionate and kind.

3.  Become more aware of your surroundings and act accordingly noting where there might be a need for you to intervene or help someone.

4.  Treat everyone with love and respect as though everyone were equally important and deserving of it.

5.  Pray or meditate for unity and connection between us.  Let's not wait for another 911.

It is difficult to see how we are connected when we are disconnected with our self.  Connect with the deeper part of you by becoming aware of your disconnection and asking yourself why.  Bring yourself back to your connection with the world by silencing yourself or taking a quiet walk noticing the things and people around you.  Once you connect with yourself you will eventually see how much fuller your life is as you take that connection one step further to one other person.


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