Daily Silence Will Heal You

This is very simple.  Take time every day to be in intentional silence and relaxation of some kind.  This is what is called "a time of reverence".  Taking a time of reverence each day for at least 15 minutes will help you to heal from whatever stresses you may be feeling or that you may encounter.  By taking that time of silence and self-love you are telling your spirit that you are important and that you matter.

My favorite place to take a time of reverence is on a mat or rug.  I turn on some meditation music at a nice level of sound so as to have it block out any other sounds in the room or from the outside.  I prop my head up with a pillow and I make sure I have comfortable clothing that is loose fitting.  I then take ten to fifteen deep breaths inhaling for a count of ten and then exhaling all the way out.  I usually inhale through my nose and exhale through the mouth.  This gets me ready for my journey of reverent silent time.

When you are taking a time of silence you are intentionally allowing yourself to relax your mind and your body.  If you are distracted by other thoughts, just ask them to go away and refocus as many times as you need to in order to relax.  Get the cluttering thoughts off your mind and purposely think about things like clouds, stars or maybe something like a waterfall with light pouring into your body. If need be talk yourself through it by saying things like: "I am being filled with light and hope.  It is washing my body clean of all that does not serve me." Say it over and over like a mantra until your mind believes it and you're overcome with peace.

Taking the time for silent reverence is a way to get in touch with your heart.  By putting your hands over your heart you are asking your spiritual self to acknowledge any pain or stress you are feeling in that moment.  You are also inviting clarity for those decisions you need to make about various aspects of your life.  Take this time to ask for clarity or openness of heart or whatever you need.  Taking this silent and peaceful time is a way to invite answers to questions and to invite wisdom into your being. It is inside of you and all you need to do is believe that.  Then you will easily access it.

Daily reverence can take on various forms.  A silent walk alone or with someone is a form of reverence and seeking that inner peace you need to live a life that is less stressful and more about peace.  You can sit outside on your deck and listen to the birds chirping with your eyes closed.  Feeling the wind in your face and hearing the sounds of nature can easily bring you serenity.  Play some music on your blue tooth speaker outside as you lay on the grass letting the sun soak in and at intervals looking up at the expansive sky.  You can even swim as part of your silent time as long as there is no one else there to disturb your silent reverence.

It is not so much how you do this but that you do this every single day of your life.  It is likely one of the best preventative actions you will take besides eating healthy and exercising.  We can prevent a lot of unfortunate things by simply taking time each day to get in touch with our feelings and being in some form of gratitude.

Now my invitation to you is to try it and see how it works.  I want to especially encourage the people who keep themselves busy all the time doing something to go silent.  We (the busy ones) are the ones who are running from something that will find us in the end.  Rather than to run from your feelings what would it look like to face them?  Give it a try.


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