"You Are Not Good Enough"

Commercials are a world all their own and the message that they send to us is that we are simply not good enough.  Our teeth are not white enough, our hair is the wrong color, our age is too old, the hair on our body is ugly, our feet are too rough and our body is fat and flabby.  Yet what people fail to focus on is that our teeth are not suppose to be white, our hair color is the perfect one for us, everyone has a different body structure and our feet wear from usage.  Still, commercials have a life of their own and the effect on us is mostly negative.  The more we watch advertisements that depict humans like Barbies and Kens, the more insecure we feel and the more we will buy products that promise to resolve those flaws that we believe we need to fix.

What Americans believe are the myths that retailers want us to believe by making us think we need this or that product in order to be beautiful or complete.  Even pharmaceutical companies make commercials about pills we can take to feel happy.  We are constantly bombarded with messages about what we must get in order to feel better about ourselves.  Retailers have gone so far as to devise the infomercial which is a lengthier commercial that beats us over the head for a longer amount of time.  Not only are they longer, commercials are louder in volume and you don't have to raise the volume on your TV or radio for it to be louder.  Sometimes they are so irritating and bad that one might wonder how or why they are made and the purpose of them.  Yet studies have been made to figure out what will stick and what will make you feel insecure enough to to buy, buy and buy, even if you don't need it.

The "you are not good enough" message we get from commercials and ads is a false one.  If we think that the body we see in the fashion magazine is perfect it is likely the result of a touched up picture.  What we are seeing is not what is real and advertisers know it, but they are laughing all the way to the bank.  Millions of dollars are spent to make billions of dollars by using insults to sell products to us.  Sad as it may seem we are vulnerable and the only way to stop the effect is to stop watching commercials, stop watching TV or at best silence the commercials.

The commercials lawyers who can sue someone on your behalf, get the IRS off your back or get the insurance company to pay you more in the event of a car accident are to me the most manipulative.  If you are not already concerned about being audited by the IRS a commercial like this one will keep you on edge.  If you have not had an accident yet then you may be looking forward to the day you will and can sue someone.  Maybe not.  But still it feels incredibly stupid to be repeatedly exposed to ads that make us think about the bad things that can happen to us and the more we believe it the more likely it will happen.

The truth is that you are good enough as you are.  In fact you are perfect as you are.  There is nothing about you that needs to get fixed and you will not be more accepted if you have whiter teeth, at least not by people who have some substance and care about you.  The reality is that you are good enough as you are and the commercials trying to sell you something that will fix you are just an attempt to make money, many times on things that don't work.  When we know we are good enough as we are we will be motivated only by the truth and by reality.  We will know that what we are being fed is a lot of illusions and that our self-worth is developed by the way we live our life, with love and integrity.


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