How to Create a New Life Story

I believe that everything in life is about our perception and the rest of it is about what we truly want and yearn for in life.  If we want to be miserable then we will but if we want to be happy then we will be more of that.  

The first thing to understand is that we are not our old story of the past.  We may have endured some bad things in life but we don't have to hold onto these experiences anymore.  We can and we must move on and away from those negative life situations if we are to start our new story with a happier now and a happier future.

The first step to releasing our old story is to write it all down.  Be as graphic as possible and talk about as much of your old story as you want to let go of.  Start with the sentence: In my old story...  Complete your old story with all of the bad experiences you had that you are now ready to let go of whether it was physical abuse or your parents getting a divorce when you were 13.  Your old story could look like this:

"In my old story I believed that my father did not love me because he divorced my mother and I never saw him again.  I believed that I must not have been worthy of being loved by him and that he left because I was simply not important."

Once you have written your old story for a minimum of twenty minutes burn it or dispose of it in some other manner that is permanent.  Do not read it or save it for any reason.  It is your old story.  When you are burning it or shredding it make the statement: "I am done with this story".  Your old story is the one you want to let go of that is all about what does not serve you.

In a few hours and not more than a day after you write your old story you are ready to write the new story of your life.  In your new story you will focus on what you want more of in your life and on the positive aspects of your life.  your new story could sound like this:

"In my new story I am worthy of love because every single human being is worthy of love.  I know that I am complete without a father figure and that my grandfather was a wonderful role model for me.  I am a good man and nothing in my life stopped me from becoming the educated, witty, loving, kind person that I am.  In my new story I have my own on line resale clothing business and it is profitable."

Once you have completed your new story find a special place for it where you can access it at any time.  Read it often and reinforce that new story of love and compassion.  Let that new story become familiar to you and penetrate your spirit, mind and body.  Your new story is all about loving yourself and about abundance in your life.  Let that be the story that you tell yourself every day until it is a part of your very fiber.  Your unconscious mind will believe your new story after many repetitions and you will become that new life.

Living in our old story is living in the past and dwelling on the negative things.  Our new story is about focusing on the positives and living a new life of prosperity and joy.  We can become a new story only if we believe we can.  We can be more of who we are meant to be by releasing who we are no longer.  It is time to write your old story and release it.  It is time to live a new story and a new life.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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