How to Get that Job!

There are more people than there are jobs hence companies have a lot of choices.  In fact employers have an advantage because there are more people looking for work now than ever.  Here are some tips for standing out and getting the job:

1. Dress the part: Make sure that you know the dress code for the company you are interviewing for and dress accordingly.  A pair of tan pants and a nice plaid shirt is perfect for an interview with the Gap or Old Navy but not such a good choice for a job at Bmo bank.  If you are unsure of what the dress code is ask and if you are still unsure then wear a navy (not black) suit with a white button down shirt and a rep striped tie in burgundy and navy.   Pair it with some black or brown shoes that are shined up or new.  Of course if you are a female you would pair your suit up with a white cotton blouse and some simple pumps that are not too high or sexy.  Looking the part will get you the initial attention you need to get in the door.

2.  Tailor your resume: Make your resume short and sweet.  You don't need to put ALL your experience on your resume but rather the current work or work that relates to the position you are applying for only.  Look at resume styles on line and use a special resume paper in a color that is neutral like tan or light blue.  Take a copy of your resume with you in case, even if you have already sent one to the company.

3.  Consider going to the suburbs if you live in the city:  There are some addition and possibly unique opportunities in suburbs that are close to the city.  Sometimes companies in the suburbs are looking for a person who has experience working for firms in the city.  They feel that a person who has worked in the city may have some knowledge that others do not.  Don't rule out the suburbs.  Many companies are moving to the burbs to save money on buildings or rental spaces.

4.  Be confident not arrogant: Make sure that the person interviewing you knows you feel confident about taking a positiion in their company without being arrogant.  Using a tone of kindness when you share your skills lets them know you know your stuff but are not arrogant or super agressive.

5.  Stay positive: Do not talk about anything negative no matter how tempted you are to share your woes.  Stay very positive and be like a breath of fresh air having a sunny attitude.  Smile  as often as you can because that is a sure indication that you are a happy worker and that you will bring that sunny attitude to the workplace.

6. Watch your body language: Make absolutely sure you have a great posture when standing or sitting.  When you are feeling stressed it will show in your body language so this is something you need to purposely pay attention to.  Nothing in your body language should be negative or appear unpleasant to others when you are interviewing for a job.

7.  Research the company: Look up the company you are interviewing for and find out when they were established, what they are known for, their profit margin, their philosophy, their mission and what they value.  You may be asked why you are applying for the job with them versus another company and this is the time to recite the reasons you are applying to work for them.  The more you know about a company the better you will look.  It shows you are sincerely interested and fo many companies this is important.

8.  Prepare questions: Don't ask a lot of questions and do wait until they ask you if you have questions to ask.  Be prepared to ask pertinent questions about health insurance or other important aspects of the job.  Keep it within the realm of work but don't shy away from questions about the climate of the company.

9. Follow Up: Don't forget to follow up after your interview.  This will keep you on their mind and you don't want them to forget about you.  A personal call thanking the person for interviewing you is preferable and at the same time puts you on their mind.  Even if you are told that the decision will not be made for two weeks call anyway.  Be subtle but also express how much you would love to work for them.

10.  To be continued... 


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