You Are Good Enough Because...

I recently wrote a blog about commercials and how they are meant to make us feel as though we are just not good enough as we are.  Our teeth are not white enough and our skin is not tight enough.  The best way to counteract these false images is to turn off the TV and to silence these negative messages each and every time.  The truth is that we are good enough and we are good enough as we are.  In fact we are perfect as we are and if we don't believe that then we must work on our spirit now and do this work without hesitation.

When we feel we are not good enough there there may be a reason in the form of a person or people in our life.  We may be in need of determining which of the people in our life no longer serve our highest good and excuse ourselves from these relationships.  The sooner we understand this and decide to let go of toxic people the better.  Anyone who effects our thoughts of self-worth are not suppose to have a place in our life.  As you lovingly let go of people who don't support and love you back you begin a life of true happiness.

We also feel less than greatness when we are doing things in our life we should not be doing or don't resonate as love for us.  A job we hate or working with people who are disconnected is one of the ways we form feelings of not being good enough.  If we are drinking too much this is another way that we kill our own spirit.  We don't feel good about ourselves when liquor has a hold on us or any other addiction (sex, prescription medications, television, social media...).  Looking at our addictions to people and things that don't benefit us is a very important way to live a more awakened life where we feel good abut ourselves all the time.

We are good enough because we were created by goddess.  "God does not make junk" as they say and we must believe this in order to live a life of beauty and of value.  We must believe that we are important and that we are on this earth to serve a purpose because each of us has an important purpose.  Doing what we are here to do by listening to our spirit is key to feeling as though we are good enough as we are.

Feeling good enough as we are requires that we surround ourselves with things we love, people we love and do things we love to do.  Feeling like we are good enough asks us to let go of the people and things we are not feeling love around.  Feeling good enough asks us to be in faith and believe that with all that we know in our hearts we must be special.

We are good enough as we are because we are.  It is that simple.


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