Dance for Life!

I am uncertain as to why more people don't dance, some who say that they have "two left feet".  Then I see the men who watch me dance with a woman at a club who give me a thumbs up and recently two brothers who asked me if I would teach them how to dance salsa.  It is evident to me that there are men and women who would like to learn to dance and who see something joyful when they observe others dancing.  There is a good reason why people are attracted to dancing that don't dance and that is that they see the fun others are having while they watch.

Dancing is healing as is any kind of movement.  I think that moving is good for the soul and lifts the spirit.  Most therapists will suggest some form of exercise to people who say that they are unhappy because it is a proven fact that movement helps us to feel emotionally and physically better.  In fact a regimen of exercise helps us stay balanced and dance could be one of the ways we accomplish this self-loving act.  When we move we feel more alive when I dance I feel as though I am lifted, at times laughing when I dance.  Even watching my partner enjoy the dance lifts my heart.

If the world danced I believe it would be a better place.  Dancing connects us in a way that feels safe and natural.  When we partner dance (requires touching) we feel the energy of another person.  We get a chance to be intimate with someone who we may not even know well but who is another deserving human being.  We realize in that moment just how much our differences don't matter.  We understand by dancing that we can connect with strangers and enjoy a moment of joy.  If only the world would know how beautiful dance is for the soul.

Through dance we can meet others without the stress of thinking about what we should say.  We simply ask someone to dance and without speaking we are honoring them by making that small connection.  It is a loving act that we can share with another person without fear and without worrying about what another person may think about what we say in words.  We show our love of others through a dance. Men who dance know that approaching women is easier because they can ask her do dance.  That may be as far as it goes but then again it may be the start of something magical.

I recently met someone when I want out dancing with a friend.  She came right up to us and ended up asking me to dance with her.  She is the kind of lady who is not afraid to ask a man to dance.  There is no agenda involved just an act of kindness.  As a result I am back to dancing salsa and loving it.  I realized once again how wonderful dancing feels and how healing it feels.  I am back to laughing when I dance and grateful that my feet are still moving.  I feel like dance has given me another chance to become friends with someone I did not know before and maybe would not have met under other circumstances.

If you are a dancer keep dancing.  If you are not I would encourage you to start.  Dancing is healing and the best way to find that out is to dance.  If you see a child dance or move about you can also see how joyous they become.  They know how to enjoy life's dance and you can too.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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