Flaky Friends

Flaky friends are those friends who don't show up for you and that seem to only call when they need something.  They are often times late and other times do not show up.  People who are irresponsible do not make great friends and in reality it is better to keep them at a distance.  Loving our friends is a good thing but some of them we must accept for who they are and love them from a distance.  The reality is that some people just don't have what it takes to be present in any relationship, friendship or any other form of relationship.

The lack of commitment is the biggest character defect of human kind.  When people have an issue committing they have an issue with making human connections and maintaining them.  As a group we have become less and less committed to intimacy with others because it means that we must do some work and that in that connection we must show up.  We make all types of excuses as to why we cannot show up.  We are busy with work, we have children, we don't have enough money or we are feeling dysfunctional.  To make matters worse we have social media, a venue where we pretend we are intimate and where we often times replace real human connection.  Whatever the reason, they are really just excuses not to show up and do the work that is involved in being a true friend.

Friendship is a responsibility.  Friendship requires that we do the work that is necessary to make others feel like they are important.  We must make plans with the people we allege to love and keep in contact with them.  Demonstrating love to our friends requires that we are actively involved in their life and they in ours.  This does not mean that we must be involved in every aspect of their life as some things are private but it does mean that we make time to check in with them and ensure that they are doing well.  Showing up for our friends is the main ingredient to having a healthy friendship with others.

Friendship is a responsibility.  It is about giving more than you take and listening when someone needs you.  Friendship is about loving someone and showing them that you care by keeping in contact with them.  Friendship is all about being a team player and participating actively in the life of people you say you care about.

I would like to invite everyone who reads this blog to evaluate the kind of friend you are.  Are you showing up for the people you say you care about?  IN what ways do you interact consistently with friends?  How do you show your friends that you love them?  How do your friends show up for you? Is it time to let go of a relationship?  All these questions are ones that not only pertain to how your friends show up but also how you show up.


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