Love Myself: Check

God always presents to me through others and today was not any exception.  I am constantly called to serve and although I would like to say no at times I know when to say yes and not miss the opportunity to help others to heal and hence heal myself.  I am humbled each time knowing that I am not here to be an onlooker but rather and active participant.  I am here to get involved and stay in my awareness.

If it were not for others calling to me I would not be in my own fullness.  I am reminded often that this is my life lesson, to be in my fullness and to know that part of it is to be present for others.  First to be present for myself then to be present for others.  First to love and embrace the man that I am and will become more of and then to embrace other people for exactly who they are and where they are.  If it were not for my connection to others I would not know with such certainty that I am here to serve and connect with every fiber of my body, soul and emotions.

God presented to me once again and today it was all about getting outside my comfort zone to witness the truth.  It was all about the journey that will lead me to the next step in my life and the love that I have to share.  It is about breaking the myths and creating a new story because when we do we live anew.  It is about seeing myself in another person and realizing that we are more alike than different.  Then not only do I feel compassion for that person but my own compassion is raised up several levels.

I don't have any secret code.  I don't know more than any one else necessarily.  What I know is that when I embrace the person I am in my wholeness then and only then am I truly alive.  What I know is that when I hold the light for another person that I am increasing my own light.  And what I know for sure is that whatever mistakes we make we are already forgiven and that God will present again and again for as long as we are here.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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