Mindful Life Practices That Work!

If we want to feel peace then we must be mindful of that.  If we want to feel joy then we must be mindful that we do things that will promote peace.  If we want to be happy then we must mindfully practice things that will create joy in our life.  Mindful practices are ones that are going to lift us up and raise our spirit.  Mindfulness is intentional and purposeful.  It does not happen unless we do things with loving, compassionate and joyous intention.  Whether we do things mindfully for ourselves or others, being mindful is all about creating an experience that is both positive and centered.

Here are some mindful things you can do to live a life that is intentionally centered and intentionally peaceful:

Mindful Meditation: 
This practice is about taking the time to silence everything and to hear the voices of your higher self.  By meditating mindfully you will find the answers to the questions you are asking and experience inner peace.

Mindful Actions: 
As soon as you awake be mindful about the practices you follow and the things you say and do.  Tell yourself that on this day you will be aware of everyone and everything around you as important and valuable.  Be especially careful of what you say to others and how you respond to others all day long.  Be mindful of every action before you take that action.  We must talk ourselves into a life of mindful practices by reciting things like: "I am living my life mindfully and my actions will be ones that are kind, loving, understanding and joyful".

Mindful Eyes: 
The first task at hand is many times what we look at and what we look at the most is TV and magazines or books.  Mindful TV are programs that are positive and that we can honestly learn something from.  Super Soul Sunday with Oprah is mindful TV and her Believe series was impeccable to put it mildly.  She does some mindful TV programming that serves us and that brings mindfulness to our minds and hearts.  It is the same with books and magazines.  We can enjoy Metropolitan home but there are many magazines that are about health and wellness that are mindful publications.  Books like "The Four Agreements" are mindful publications and will bring something of value to us.  What we use our eyes for must be intentional and mindful.

Mindful Health Decisions: 
We must understand that what we eat and how often we exercise will many times dictate our health issues or our healthy state of being.  We must eat the right foods and mindfully select the places where we eat.  We must make meals that are good for our body and our mind.  Mindful eating and exercising is one of the most important things we will ever do.  Becoming mindful of what you consume and keeping an active life is one of the most important things we can do to live a mindful life that is peace-centered and healthy overall.

So there you have it.  Living a mindful life is about living a life doing keeping in mind that some things serve you while others don't.  Mindful living is intentional and does not just happen because we have lots of things to do and enjoy but rather a way of living our life purposely looking at how we live it.  Telling others how much you appreciate them and spending time on yourself are equally important.  Live a mindful life and watch how your life changes, guaranteed!

Love, Light, Hope, Joy, Peace


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