Life Made Easy

I use to think: "life, it's complicated".  Now I feel completely the opposite and that is the "life is simple".  In fact what I think is that we complicate our lives by thinking and doing things that make life more difficult.

Here's how we complicate life and how to stop:

Stinky Thinky: Sometimes referred to as stinking thinking, this is the way that we think ourselves into madness, confusion, insecurity and pain.  We literally think ourselves into a frenzy of darkness and doom.  When we become stinky in our thinking we must catch it and stop it by doing something that we like and know will relax us or bring us into our joyful place.  We can also fight our negative thoughts by having a mantra we repeat like: "I am in a place of love now".  Stinky thinking is common in people who have had more than their share of difficulties in life.  It is not always easy to leave stinky thinking thoughts but it is very possible.  Life is less complicated when we let go of the thoughts that make us believe that it is.

It's too much: We also jump into this false belief that what is presented to us in life is too much to handle.  My grandmother use to say that God would not give us more than we can handle and given the things that I have addressed I believe it.  If we think that what comes our way is too much then it is too much and we will "drown in a glass of water" (grandma's saying).  Life is not too much.  Life is a series of ups and downs and that is what a normal life looks like.  We will have things in our life that are challenging and that will make us think we cannot go any further, but we do.  When you think about what you have overcome you know that life is not too much but rather that we make it out to be too much.  All we need to do when life seems like it is overwhelming and too much is to pause and obtain some inner peace in silencing everything.  Life is only too much if we think so but if we look a little deeper we know that life is just life.

I don't have the skills for this: We are not only skilled in life, we are more than equipped.  Every experience in life brings us wisdom and knowledge to be able to resolve everything that is possible to resolve.  Knowing what we have the control over and what we don't is key here.  Life skills are skills we learn along the way and our skills come from living life.  There are no courses or requirements to become skilled at life and able to resolve anything that comes our way.  We are the ones who convince ourselves that we don't have the about to handle this situation or that circumstance.  We have to believe we have life skills and that there is nothing in life we cannot figure out but when we need support we should not be hesitant to get it.  A good therapist or life coach can be helpful to us in forging through situations that feel difficult.  Again, this is a time to pull forward the mantra that will refute the myth that we are not skilled enough to pursue and take back our happiness.

When we are thinking negatively, believing situations are too hard or falsely thinking we don't have the ability to get though it you and you alone make your life complicated when it does not need to be.  I know because for many years I did and even today I can honestly say that I fall back into the trap that makes me falsely believe I cannot navigate my life.  The real truth is that I can and that we all have the skills we need to live an uncomplicated life.  We decide and with the support of spirit, compassionate professionals and people who love us we can and do overcome things that we thought we could not.


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